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Chapter 5 4

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 01/03/2021


get into the car, scanning t

t" Spain announced as we drove off

any of

head, not liking that shit since my sister was going to be there

er than that" I mumbled

ed the hard look on his face

hing stupid," I replied an


ed taking his word for it, the last thing I

e going?

remember we're opening a

hat" I replied turning

I asked referring to one of the guys who

ok care of the f

as their eyes followed the car, I sent down the window watching as they all began to scatter

miling walking over to the car and I

's share of the profit that our club made this month, Taj was one of

I replied referring to my well-antic

Taj," I said putting i

pid to fuck with you

g with us" I announced re

as I started the car and I glan

ooked around before bending a

ring if you could loan me $200,000 so I could pay fo

it and it's not a loan, we family

aid and I nodded before sendi

Dragos on your side

walking around," He replied and

is at the club ton


nting to leave work, the coffee I had

're heading out," Renae an

fused, wondering if this was anoth

Joseph's hospital on 24 b

king beside her as we

s sleeping with su

I asked

oke breaks," she replied whispering the

g to 24?" Dwayne a

to Doctor Sawyers?" he as

ed handing me the bag walking

?" she announced the

much," I rep

ne?" she asked as I pulled on my s

" I replied thinking back to all the stress and second-guessing t

hat for four years no

?" I quest

it's time for you to

s bullshit, I barely have any

still single?" she asked completely ignor

ut of my person

spiders running around down


he asked and I smiled parking the car

ed as I got out of the car, grabbi

umbled as we began walking into the build

Doctor Sawyers is?" I asked

e today, is the bag for him?


e it to Doct

asked not reco

oom 5a," she replied and I

e asked referring

t I'm going to bri

eak room," she replied

r waiting for a repl

announced and I p

ed unsurely, and he nod

he replied and I

Doctor Sawyers," I announced handing him th

I say left i

walking out, going to the breakro

ble she was at taking a seat, my f

on child support?" Renae asked

ng to, I shouldn't have to forc


have full custody and tha


the club since the Vipers didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. My eyes moved over to the crowd immediately finding he

interrupt their night, I was officially relocated into the penthouse

, that I had postponed yesterday for my 'friendly date' with Brittany that in the end had to be re

for rea

he book

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