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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 3 three

Word Count: 1762    |    Released on: 02/03/2021

of service. They have been hidden for so long. Izzy loved

ot know where to look. Until the priest showed up to corrupt Daniel and destroy the nice life

for Bowen. He must’ve been bad to land on Bowen’s table. No one knew what. He was well known, well-

fixed. This would not be his usual punishment. He decided this would be a go

tell you why he is here. Got it. Listen, he is in great favor. I do not understand why he is here. I have to check

He was like a son to him and he only wanted h

ask him why he is here. I will be compassionate but d

could land a great man in the underworld on the table of Bowen? Danie

en he walked into it the temperature began to fluctuate. Depending on the

left. The feeling was the same for almost every soul that crossed the threshold

iest there was a clock showing the time. It was a

as familiar

ooked at the clock. It spoke to

the room. The priest appeared. The light burned again and the clock starte

Venus. His memories of her flooded his mind. Celestials have all their memories from the beginning to the end. From

to this day.” He spoke without openi

e softly but his anger was heard. His voice d

ve you that name? Your mothe

lls me Damnation. My name is Daniel. I

nished his sen

ou?” Daniel spoke loudly. His eyes were red lik

e hall showed the time 235. Time had stopped. Something was wrong. There were no s

hurt him. Do not hurt Isaac. Stop

e screamed. “Isaac is here. We hav

ore Daniel killed Isaac or worse before Daniel found out the truth. This

ed back up to her feet but could not get her wings to work. She kept running.

t out a mighty roar, and speed past the clock.

She was screaming for Isaac and Daniel.”Please st

come. Time was still frozen for everyone except h

he lives of everyone in and out of

ay for that lie. Is that your great sin? You are

ar. Listen to me. I do not have much tim

sharp pearl-handled knife in his left han

aac leaned into Daniel to w

on the wall showed the time. It was 333. Time had caught up and th

lie.” Daniel knew everything and he was

chamber. He was there for a reason and this was it. He was sent there, to tell the truth, a truth

mighty blow, she sent the priest into the

right beside him on the floor. S

explain to you the truth. We were planning to tell you everything it just hasn't

she is alive

light was still burning but we were uns

say to you, Danie

ell her the truth. He was not sure

nus was alive and has been alone all th

re. Time had stopped for them he h

” she inquired. She needed to know how

im?” Daniel looked up to Labith “

eady to go into all the tiny det

el. I was born very unique. I had many gifts. I sha

m but she knew he needed

ave done. I had a child with a human and created a race of celestial beings th

ng to tell Bowen and Lucifer. This is not going to s

me anything he might have told you that

” he said as he stormed out of the ch

chamber. Daniel is gone. L

? Did he lose it

ive. If Isaac is here then who is guarding Eden?” Labith walked

. A light flashed and another soul entered the c

She was beautiful. He wanted to see her. Labith had sent the priest Isaac to the void.

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