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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 4 four

Word Count: 1527    |    Released on: 02/03/2021

along and see if he could find out where Isaac was. If he could free him he could see

irk. “Hey sis what’s on the agenda for the day? Are you going to save the souls or some other cha

ou to go alone. Maybe I should go with you today? Everyone

loved him and was happy for him to go bu

oday if you feel like it.” She knew cal

She glared at him. “Sorry, Izzy. Can I please go

er. “I guess. Please don't be a jerk. If you can behave and be hel

try to behave

mises you can’t keep.” She threw h

rted walking down the corri

et on your bag?” He asked

diot. You already kn

e was upset it was on the bag. Izzy n

fire. I could not stand the way it felt. So I put it on m

something back. “What is it, I

ost speaking to me. I felt h

go straight to Lucifer and decided to wait it out

sure this is safe? I mean what if w

ver the underworld your entire life. Let

pushed past her.

ld. If you were sentenced to the void you could not enter. Izzy had

joyed her time away from the everyday life of bei

He was not able to just bounce into the void. He needed her to guide him there. He was afraid h

me why you are coming

t to be with you today

He knew if he could learn from her how to manipulate the void he c

” She said softly “and behave yourself” She gave him her best moth

rk. The sounds were overwhelming. Only a few feet in front of them was vis

void. Do not listen to anyone. Do you understand? Some of these souls

so much more to this journey. She is his twin. She could feel h

ust kept on her heels. He could hear the voices

to see one person? How would

” She stopped. “Daniel, w

'm just curiou

e to tell her but he did not think it was the right time. He did not want to involve Lucifer

h it, Daniel. I am just happy you are here with

t in the void. The void is not a place to release anything. She calmed

rriving” She climbed down the rocks. “Easy peasy. Be careful. You do not want to f

ke for a soul to arr

and not fall into the void or make

s on the soul and who sent them. Did you do something y

moving. “This is not supposed to happen. Daniel wh

n the underworld. He was listening to the vo

to him. “Daniel block them out think of somethi

aking to him. He decided to listen instead. He starte

e you to her. Set me free.” He co

need to get out of here.”

to the tunnel. They walked slowly to the eleva

would never hurt you right?” he s

ver is going on. I will h

ut of the elevator. “I am s

e elevator and continued foll

er to release me.” He screamed at him from the void. “You jus

and placed her in the void where the pr

s waiting for us.” The priest spoke calml

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