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Going Some

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 2928    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

and was upon the point of leaving when the delegation filed in. He regarded

s! Where's

Where did you

rainin' partner. Th

just l

'll hunt

Willie came forwa

l visit. Let her

n' him for quite a

that put him where he

a good athl

h!" Glass grunt

n he do a hu

if this conver


ion Willie paused, as if

repeated the litt

on how he fee

r, snickered audibly, at whic

eh? Well, he's there

Glass went further. It was so easy to string these simple-minded people that he could not res

ept slowly backward along his b

s trainin', and goes up to Saratoga for a little rest. While

hat?" quer

backs himself

an imaginary string, then sent it aloft and pretended to catch it d

and runs it up to eight th

lamation of astonishm

rew even

es from scratch. That's worth twenty thousand if it's worth a lead nickel. Oh,

uet-player too," observed Fr

glad to see that the Californ

y. "And we wouldn't hold his croquet habits agin him. Some men drink, some gamble, some do worse; every

thing yo

were bent upon the fat man with a look of sear

e!" exclaime

the cowboy, with u


und brought a terrifying result, for with a startled cry the undersized cow-man leaped as if touched by a living flame. Like a flash of light he whirled and poised on his toes, his long, evil-looking revolver drawn and cocked, his tense face vulturelike and fierce. His eyes gla

't s

the breath crept au

hat?" he as

lanky frame up above

so sudden, Willie!" he c

ly to the door, and stared out into the sunlight; then, seeing nobody in

hal from Waco," he said. "

o, who had gone pale, and was sti

make no more moves like that behi

ze and mopped his br

dn't me

s first movement. "I dreamed about that feller agin last night," apologize

e bunks betrayed his hiding-place. At the first sight of Willie's revolver he had dived for a refuge

foreman, but Glass

n-shy," observe

ch a convulsion ran through the trainer's soft body, and it became a

in a stifled vo

s a mi

forth a round, pallid face. He saw Stover laughing, and

he Senor i

nseless joke, the New-Yorker crept forth, his face suffused with a

nd seeing the cause of his undignified alarm leaning against the table, he stepped toward him threateningly. "If you try that aga

ned up, and edged his way to one s

im. "Am I?" Glass snorted. "Take a good look!" With deliberate menace he bumped violen

self, then sidled back of a bunk. Mr. Cloudy stepped

kid me and I'l

hild, but in a flash he became a palpitating fury: an evil atom surcharged with such terrific venom that his antagonist drew back involuntarily. "Don't you make no

said Glas

didn't; it was Mr. Colt." With a movement quicker than light the speaker drew h

words, and undertook to def

one or it'

en burned, and stared down his bulging

peen. Now, we ain't sayin' you lied-'cause if we thought you had, I'd gut-shoot you here, now." Willie paused, while Glass licked his lips and undertook to frame a reply. The black muzzle of the weapon hovering nea

, of c

goin' to lose this foot-race under no circumstances whatever, so we give you complete authori

Glass undertook to move his body from in front of

or play, money at the tape. You're his trainer, and it's yo

alyzed that he had no control over his movements; he did not even hear the yell that burst from his throat as his lungs contracted; he merely knew that he was in the supremest peril, and that flight was futile. Therefore he undertook to steady himself. Every tissue of his body seemed to creep and crawl. The flesh inside his l

ded Willie, in a voice that sound

uth, and when no so

u under

pipe-stem had cut off all power of sp

all. "Come on, boys!" The cowboys filed out silently, but on the threshold Willie paused and darted

the frightened trainer, nervously

evere, aren't they

ed to kill him, Lawrence Glass, without preliminary if it became evident that a fraud had been practiced. Manifestly this was no place for hysterical confidences. Larry

o! Which direct

st, and the other man stared longing

e a walk,

ghed. "It's two or t

heavily. "Why

elf with an effort, entered the gymnasium as if in s

gaze away from the blue eyes of Miss Blake

s it, L

to se


ht-rolled bundle. Sensing something important back of this unusual demeanor, Speed excused himself and followed Larry, who did not trust to speech until t

prayer-rug?" demanded

to death. She said a feller couldn't get hurt if he stood

's wr

appen to me if Covington don't

en to

have put it up to me t

ngton can b

gton isn't

ng man smiled. "You're

broke out at a white-heat. "Joke, eh? Well, you'd better have a good laugh while you can, because

y frighten

shots I'm too big for this earth. The hole

shoot you!" exclaimed th

e coughed loudly, then shook his head. "No use; it won't come up." With feverish intensity he told of his narrow escape from destruction, th

. If Covington shouldn't come,

utter conviction. "These thugs have mad

ow I ca

t come, you

shall be

ith me, that pipe-stem is liable to gimme a cancer, but nothin' is goin' to happen to you. My only chance to make a live of it is to cough up that cla


; then, hugging it beneath his arm, went on: "That four-eyed guy slipped me a whole lot of feed

is gun-handle

n. What's more, he's got the homicide habit, and the habit has got its eye on me." Glass was in deadly earnest, and his alar

amusing thing I

asm, "it would be awful funny if it wasn't o

on, either by wire or in person. He's never failed me yet. B


to be afraid of. If these cowboys are in

'm leary of. Mary's beau is that Egyptian with the fu

ded at the door, at


ary corn-husk cigarette, but his dark eyes were grave and his

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