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Going Some

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2044    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

or." Carara bowed

ng again,"

toe, removed his cigarette, and flipped the ashes

dias, Se

ed. "You ta

ls of his thumb and finger. He breathed his lungs full of smoke and exhaled it through his nose. "I would have spik to

d?" said Gla

s palm outward,

et deal to my Senori

nked openly at Speed. "Sure! I

she is Mexicana," sa

ink of that! I thoug

egan to

rply, while Larry winced at the distas

gasped, for Carara slowly drew from inside his shirt a long, thin-bladed knife bearing marks of recent grinding, and his black eyes snapped. His face had become suddenly convulsed

ut you." The gaze of the Mexican pierced his vic

Larry, he could not remove his gaze from the swarthy man. He pulled himself together

tly, more to make conversation than from any

his front, whereupon the trainer gurgled and laid protecting hands upon

rstan' w'at I

s-I'm hep

r Fat will r-

from the glittering blade, rolled them toward his employ

e Fat Senor will not


Senor! I t

eed the New Yorker, w

dios, Sen

xclaimed the

ith his sombrero, then placing the spangled head- piece at an exact angle u

ok a dee

he other, fervently. Again he laid repressing hands upon his bulging front and

o keep away f

it from me, Bo, I'll walk around her as if she was a

n't care for h

y Cuban, but"-he qui

mmy packs a 'shiv

ail, and Glass puckered his lips to answer, then grew pale. "Th

going to

old nuggets! Take a look, Wal

directed. "Sh

t," breathed

s Stover a

, and stepped upon it hastily. "Say, what's th


o mumble thickly. It was plain th

d. Willie had little to say, and Stover, ignoring all men

in's-on 'round here, Mr. Sp


in' I discovered some

n's flow


ge tracks. M

es that

around night before last, and jest now we found where a hoss had been

s decidedly

we'd ought t

thing to d

ooks to us like it'

y're equal to

lack of comprehensio

is race pay or play. Mebbe

started. "Go

n't put it past 'em to drop a .45 throu

me, you

lass, devoutly

was you, I'd keep the lamp betwe

young college man, stiffly. "I-I can't

we'd see there wasn't no crooked work done. Well, I'm goin' to ride herd on you, constant, Mr. S

being murdered when we're o

saddle my bronc' an' lope along with

a procedure, and summoned his courage to say: "No.


on the road. I-

your daily run if we have to lay off all the pun

ody-guard!" cried the

et hurt. You're wor

I will take

e trainer. "I don't need no minera

shall ru

ingly, and his auditor breathed

y life than put you

nly a p

llow it. I'll run alone,

ably shoot you in the legs. That's just as go

his knee-ca

id he at last. "I

at-away, but you might do your trainin' at daylight. The Centipede goes to work


you see anything suspicious, let u

nk y

out, whereupon

orse'n suicide to stick around

are you

k. Let's

We'll hear from Covington before long. Besides,

's w

be a

started for the living- quarters, but a

hispered tragically

hade opposite, her eyes fixed sto

ay low till she gives

rouble enou

he verge of making a desperate sally, Cloudy entered silently. Although this had been an unhappy morning for the trainer, here

s the weath

rotege stared. It was the first word the Indian had utter

r Cloudy?" He snickered at his own joke, whereupon the abor

Glass, that the one Yale football team you trained

open in amazement. The day

f understanding came over him. "Y

ad, and pointed with dignity to the flag

member that!"

led me in the second half"-he stirred his withered leg-"but I dropped it on y

rew a yellow envelope on the floor at Speed's feet. "There is something for yo

th disgust, when the visitor had gone. "I a

gton!" cried Speed, tearing

e be here? Quick!" Then he paused. J. Wallingford Speed had

certainly for his bed,

He fell limply at full length,

employer's nerveless fingers, and

EED, Flying Heart


in jail Omaha. Lo


d a cry like that

ed the Hope of the Flying

back the lid of Speed's athletic trunk, and began to paw through it feverishly. One after another he selected three

n, Lawrence?" in

rst sweater, and half-smothered his protege w

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