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He used to hate her

Chapter 2 Her life is messed up

Word Count: 1515    |    Released on: 24/03/2021

od has to torture me like this. At that moment, my mind go

entered my life. Everything collapsed around me. I was studying in the same school all my life but I have never seen him. He's transferr

hat but I couldn't stop myself. It was like my heart is telling me that 'he's the one. That whispering was ringing somewhere in my ears. I got lost in his eyes. I

I'm seeing his back. I wished I could talk to him. I was desperate for it in a single period. I couldn't get that chance or the coura

could hear it for all centuries. In this advanced world, when everyone is falling in and out of

We have to go to the next block for French class?" I looked up

he class. I looked at the unknown hot boy who hypnotised me without knowing it.

my two best friends. I couldn't imagine my life without them. We three can never be parted apart. But sti

nyways, It's not only his face that made me fall in love with him. It's his character too. I have never seen a sweet millionaire guy. Since his parents are rich, he should be a filthy rich bad boy. But that's not how he behaves to anyone. He can be sweet and cold whenever he wants. Of course, I'm not the only

commented when he saw my test marks. I don't want to blush for that sin

u. Am I the only nerd?" I sai

d back. So, now you know, it's not hatred from the begin


didn't you come to that Friday party, Madison?" Veronica asked me whi

you ask me, I'm not coming to a party every week. I re

do you have your charge full when y

e when I'm with you guy

ingers. That's it. But that's worth it and the best than having uncountable friends. That's when it stricks me. Why shouldn't I share my feelings with my friends? I would feel relieved if I did that. Plus, I have to make a m

on someone in our class?" I started with a lot of

ia was speechless. They know that I'm not the one who even lay my eyes on a boy. I'm not a lesbian but a girl wit

ister is alive. My mom didn't stop there. She's in search of the killer who did that accident to kill him. With the help of some relatives, I tried my best to bring back my mom who was happy when my sister was alive. But I failed. Now, she's in our relative's house well taken care of and dad's a drunk who visits home rarely. And I came abroad to study with financial help from my relatives. But when I grow up, I have to earn. I have to survive

all the broken pieces of my life. My whole family has shattered four years ago. All I got is my two best friends. Is it wrong to look for lo

dn't wait any longer." Veronica urged me. I got

love with Xand

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