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He used to hate her

Chapter 3 A chance to confess her love

Word Count: 1422    |    Released on: 03/04/2021

said with a lot of excitement. While Veronica stayed silent for a minute. I think she's taking whatever I'm saying into her mind. But she has a bright smile on her face like she's so happ

ch my life will be go

him your friend. That will do the remaining things. You are hot like him

t's in my heart. This is gonna be a secret love hidden forever." I told them firmly so they won't push me

him. That doesn't include studying because that's what you are talking with him from what I know

't get a reply right at the minute, he will think about it and decide to spend time with you. That's enough in the beg

I will feel relieved and something good happens. But I guess I

ow whether he has a little bit of feelings for me. Somehow, I'm glad he's still single. He's selectiv

rush?" I asked when she almost

s guy) had an intimate moment and she almost hooks up with him. So, the first word I wanna say is gross. Do you know why did I say that? She hasn't got any feelings for him. She's in

on a guy secretly? Sofia isn't interested in anyone. Not even celebrities. I wish I know what makes her li

e barely talked and have no idea what they are doing. We three will eq

two months. Our whole class had no classes. It's in the evening a

onna do?" Sofia asked as we walked in the corridor while all the other students are wandering everywhere on

e. This is the day we got time to

That wasn't brief enough to understand," I

Nowadays, she's spending time wit

in him for real. When did you

spot here after class is over," she said. I will be happy

led me in. I have no interest in spending time in the same class but I spotted Xander. My f

," A guy said. There are seven to eight girls and boys. I would defiently

he game already?" Sofia a

ar the risk of taking the dare. But most of them, choose dare. Some girls caught up in a situation of kissing a boy. Others pass

I have always seen you three of t

t here now

ia asked. Before he could say something, the bottle spins and points

u came to play with us for the first time," If I choose t


t should I give?" He said, r

re are single. In fact, I'm included in the list too. You can choose me too," He said like he wan

. She's not going to choo

n't want to fake it by kissing someone without liking him. This would be my first kiss. I don't want it t

s tell 'do what you like, don't hesitate. It'

er get a chance. I might look like a frightened girl but I got enough courage to do what I w

g to kis

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