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The Lovers

Chapter 3 Hugh

Word Count: 1231    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

have a lazy morning. But I didn't expect to see Hugh all sweaty, walking

atch him after his morning run, and usually, we wou

king my breakfast. I was still in my boxers and t-shirt while enjoying my cereal when he cam

.about las

get it," I said casually when strangely

not yo

I get

on his sexy boyish smirk making

wash the dishes, still feeling a bit

g a bartender was messing up with my studies, and my grades w

are you up

we fuck okay? I've done this before and honestly,

while seemingly lookin

oing to take

ipping myself naked and then sighed when the cool water poured on my

ily if I had known about their fallback. I was having money trouble and actually needed to work and at the same time kee

roking my cock. My body was soapy when I started to moan lowly from my stro

re a bat call every time I'm

ing at my soapy body then

I don'

just go and let me have my privacy." I

ing greetings, but I still didn't expect that he t

ove by holding my jaw and s


myself from you." He said h

ge to fuck myself." I pushed him to the shower wall taking

op, but your moans

ands back to the wall when he was about to touch me. He g

hen my body was clear from the suds, the

your legs. Wider." His face was flustered kn

awer, I told him to stay still. His erection tou

nd playfully biting his shoulder while I grabbed his waist roughly and pulled him back alig

ng him gently to face the mirror, he did just that an

s curled as the anticip

d another finger and parted his legs wider, then he let out

n ple

into the mirror and say it, look

uscled arms were flexing, his knuckles were holding on

en parted his cheeks and pushed into him slowly. He wa

urable it is for you. Then...maybe, I'll smack your sexy ass." With my last words he look

kk..." we were both breathing hea

sexily, then moan louder when I circled my lubed palm a

tic, and he moaned harder when I finally smack his cheeks. I was jerking him off faster, while I fuck him deeper. I was keepin

the condom. I rest on his chest when he turned to face me and

he knew that I was deep


cked away looking straight into my

. I just have l

ck to my bedroom, my mind was back to its busy state leaving the sexy

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