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Chapter 5 Double Date

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 21/04/2021


actually prefer to be this busy, because if I have this much of

ent to the comfort room for a while to cry. A week since Seb and I met again,

d he gave up so easily? Why did he left me to someone else? Yes, that Sam was beautiful and looks kind, but didn’t he loved me? Many girl al

e anymore? Have you

saw my female officemates gathering at

when I saw man’s behin

e me?" I t

urned in my

is the reason why my officemates are

e was one of the heartthrobs in our school back then. I don'

you doing here

." He said then

am busy right now

his date. That's why it's har

again then? I'm not a masochist but I want to see Seb again. And I want to see if he will be

g for nothing again. But what can I do, I still love him. I a

" I ju

reat! I'll pick you



. Well I don't want to admit it but I really prepared for this di

dy have a boyfriend. And in fairness he


not being snob but I don’t really see the need of telling them about my personal life

p thinking about him?! He is not worth it... maybe

n, fortunately my phone suddenly


ent. Do you want me to pi

down. I'll just see yo


ately took the elevator

surrounded by female employees here at th

I cal


t and I could feel him loo

ok great!

Gavin Inarez who complimented you


s hand and I accepted it and t

s really makes us a couple

car when Gav su

appen between you and Sebastian, why yo

. I didn't see that coming. He do

e for him because of our s

n did nothing

at. I also saw the tightening o

re if I answered him

ant and grand, already expected from known elite place. Well, I'm used to go to places like this. My dad is a manager

m were alr

me and Gav shook hands with Seb, and I

you two made

m glad that you still find tim

more how Seb liked her, because as far as I know

usy with work this past weeks and I know that I have to

ipheral vision. Am I seeing it

he marry Sam? Seb can you stop making me confused.

es you for Gav. I hope you two will end up in marriage just l

Seb. I really want to

together." Seb said

not true. Does that mean you still

ought. I think I'm addicted to hope, be

e tight. I can sense anger

s her so much and so do I." Gav sa

n Seb’s eyes. He obviously

e a double wedding! That

no idea what was going on.

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