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In Camp on the Big Sunflower


Word Count: 1858    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ardly belie

Steve to be examining the ha

much in his mind he may have gotten up to ascertain whet

onclusion as he la

y over the forms of Bandy-legs and Toby, bent down for a few seconds, as if fumbling w

on his rude pillow made of leaves tha

since he has to climb out of a warm blanket just to make sure nobody's got away wi

Max's mind that in less than five minutes he had d

Owen who awakened the

, and take a dip in the creek," he an

ied Bandy-legs, as

-c-coffee that comes s-s-stealing in

undering about in the


lmost ready. As Bandy-legs remarked, they could take a dip at any old

ng the bacon and fried eggs, hominy and coffee, that the cook of the morning

covered and annoyed by the crowd that ran with Ted Shafter. Then came talk of the mysterious sh

to find an opportunity for asking Steve if it had been a bad dream that

a little longer, and let one of

a satisfactory explanation wi

who brought the conversation ar

e of the prize, the latter stubbornly insist

isgust. "Sure you must have been dreaming over it, and things hav

rumbled Toby, as stubb

t till you p-p-pro

feeling that he had been ch

w you!" he exclaimed, as he ma

rumbling and growling within. T



d I see you put that t

r burning sensation dart all over his flesh, as though a s

cotton, didn't you?" deman

id," answered Toby, b

ke her out again?" asked

" answered

ust as the others were. Max could discover not the faintest indication

is, it's mighty funny," B

little cardboard b

you it ain't here

eed a pair of specs I g-g-

as he was the recognized head of the club

ght. He was carrying the leather haversack;

ram your paw inside, Toby Jucklin, and l

llenged, Toby felt in hon

terest; and when Max stole another look

possible that the strong fascination which he admitted pearl

to gain lodgment in his mind; but after

anyone, not even his cousin Ow

akin to dismay. He seemed to rattle the contents of the

e goods, Toby? You said I needed specs, didn't you? The first pair we find floating down the


nd peer within the leath


ut, Toby!" said t

ing on the table.

e himself w

alarmed; but Max could see not one single sign of secret laughter. Even his eyes, those tell-tale orbs by

yed inst

were apt to prove useful rattled on the rough b

ardboard box

ositive that there could be no mist

thief has crept right into our midst, and got away with our little beauty! It's ro

ptation to speak was more than he could

his little game is," h

r believed Steve would b

it out just like

ng to turn their eyes i

ax; how is it you didn't hear the thief cre

ged his s

night, thinking I heard some one moving about. But I give you my

the other turn red with confusion, perhaps laugh a little, and then in his usual fra

lt upon the face of his friend. Apparently, for s

strangely fascinated by the handsome pearl,

it in the bag, Max,"

llow is bent on playing a joke on the rest of us. Let's

-run the g-game to suit yours

to which each one of us will subscribe?"

it up to me first,

seen nor handled that little cardboard box containing our pearl since the time Max dropped

o so affirm," replie

ld up your hand

t," flashed the broad-shouldered b

u solemnly give your word the same as Max and myself did, that you haven't s

replied the on

it with you?

dled or even s-smelled that little b-b-box since Max hid it in h-h-he

hat about you

heard the one he had positively see fumbling at the

at little box since Max took it off this table and stuck

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