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In Camp on the Big Sunflower


Word Count: 1950    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

his wits together, was on this occasion the fir

mer you're g-g-giving us

Max; why not a man, when you're ab

ething he clutc

eckon you'll all admit

d Bandy-legs, bending forward to

o was something of a bookworm, filled with a theoretical knowledge concerni

re Toby saw the staring eyes. But that isn't all, fello

hing out of the queer-looking marks the

hers it was

eling here, for a fa

earth; and you can see how his toes dug

e how short the distance between knees and

ut why would he be a scared boy-why didn't

in his head that we'd come up here to hunt for him! And when he saw T

or him Toby quickly puckered up his lips, gave a little whistle, and wound up by

sure of that from the tracks he made, and only wonder h

is tracks?"

to us, Max," ad

ts were made by a boy. And, yes, his shoes are just about falling to pieces in th

now that, Max?" asked t

asy as falling off a log," laughed Max, as he pro

too bad," mu

y?" inqu

bully pair of m-m-moccasins, you know, I'd like to have g-g-given him. Always pinch my

cause the fellow's far enoug

n to run across him som


's return to the camp, and think of what we'll h

though short of stature, he was known to have full stowa

g to help, and from the orderly way in which they went about their several task

ration it might be as well for us to learn

arson, which lay some fifteen

lled the Outing Boys of Carson. The main object of this association was camping out, and having a goo

they had now come up into this wilderness where the

his cousin Owen, who was

fact more than once aroused the keen jealousy of Toby Jucklin,

enormous appetite of a growing boy, and failed to satisfy his needs. Besides, Nathan Juc

known among his teachers at school and at home. It was Clarence; bu

of old boats, capable of carrying all the camp material; though so le

the oars to advantage, and cover a

er to push the boats; or, else going ashore, drag th

odd miles; but now that the camp was established, the tent up, the fire cra

, turning around from where he wa

g been brought along for the purpose. "You forgot to tell us about it, don't you know?" the other went

Toby. "So t-t-tell us what the p-p-p-

quick look, after which the for

r around the festive board, and get our heads close togeth

boys?" remarked Toby, in

ase. How about that c

and I h-h-hope the rest of

n, which was filled with potatoes, seasoned with a few onions

ey were busily engaged di

ce; but all due allowance had been made for even the astonishing appe

ir appetites, and the boys reme

, as he broke open a fresh paper package of crack

the t-t-ticket!

Owen here, who had been reading up on the subject. We wanted to discover some way of earning a nice little sum of money this summer,

olliest chance to come up here

talking of doing for

legs p

s than a treasure-hunting expedition. Only, instead of trying to unearth the gold and jewels some Captain Kidd of these Nor

uite a thrill, for they exchanged looks, and th

ago our river had been pretty well stocked with these shellfish, though the town people had eaten them up clean. But Owen believed, and I agreed with him, t

g trip," broke in Steve, chuckling. "That would give us all the chance we wanted to se

Bandy-legs. "Would you mind passing me that frying pan

nger," grunted

or Owen said the best place would be at the junction of the two little streams that go

mpty shells, you know

thing like that, had been living off

trolled up the river known as the Big Sunflower to see

anxiety to know. A whole lot depends on whether we've come up here on a fool's

drew out several large mussels from his po

rnestly, "but as to whether we'll find any p

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