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Heiress Book 1: Revenge

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1538    |    Released on: 22/04/2021

to wrap The time she endured and did not show two years away from her father and

though they are far away from each other, they still talk in Group chat. The ca

efreshed the past... the past that u

home from vacat

t the Mansion because they had

me was Sunya, she immediately as

good idea to go home to meet

. Besides who are these sisters

r Dad remarried, d

ater had been poured on him and she immediately sou

e. She felt jealous and for a moment she looked badly at them she


t it sharply with the feeling that they were an opportunist for they had won the lot

d to calm him down and hold her hand

why didn't you tell me you were married and you even br

mmy has been dead for five years... it's time for me to love again. I hope

hasing you for money, one day their true nature will also come out. "She angrily taught th

more than her daughter. out of resent

Mansion. Why did she lea

to see and talk to him. Alysia couldn't stop crying, As

im. But she did not want to move her legs, holding her chest so heavy, she,

er, but for a moment, she

's cold outside here!" Sunya said and worried. It w

ya, where is he?"

after taking the medicine, he

are of my belongings." She walked first.

ddy was. Over two years much has changed. The big por

like a queen in the whole Mansion. She made it even bigger tha

nd floor of the Mansion. The whole Mansion is quiet. S

uietly. She presses the switch at th

es around the room. She saw someone lying on the side of hi

she leave my father alone in the room?" Alysia wondered, but she couldn't sto

lysia sat down and placed her father's head on her thig

he called wi

to open his eyes. It is

you to the hospital? Aunt shiella where is she? why are you left alone here!" She

e you... I won't be long..., take care of yourself huh?"

ot going to die! I will

ly. She tries to mak

nted from forcing Domenick to stand up.

enick's palm tried to reach Alysia's face to caress it. Alysia approached herself

if, I leave. But here I'm... I w

th a frugal smile. Before he passed

She shoute

er. Only her moan was heard in every corner of the room.

ith you for so long.." She whispered repeatedly to herself while staring at her father. But she crawled c

surprised for a moment to see her on the floo

d by men. They took her father. A few minutes later, Peopl

o see me. But for a moment they a

hat no matter what, I do, I' am not comfo

om why is it not in her Father's room? But Alysia change

r's grave. Her stepmother suggested th

sympathized with her Father. After five days Don Domenick was buried in the final destination. Alysia wa

came to empathize w

of its beautiful attire, it seem

. The expression on its face was serious. She first

Meller, hal

s father is American and his mother is

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u like this story if not it's okay...if yo

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