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Heiress Book 1: Revenge

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1620    |    Released on: 22/04/2021

m for a week. After reading he

er Father. But they are one family, her s

ried to make them a whole family. Becaus

e inherited everything from Alysia. Except for fift

get? Shiella should be more than Alysia'

not complained yet. She also does not care about them. Becaus

acienda. When her father was alive

nd long sleeves. She did not want her s

Alysia. After reading and receivin

d and there was wasted, the mon

hey bowed in reverence. But, Alysia just looked straight ah


the stalls. She strictly commanded and especi

a..your ho

and hardworking staff of the Hacienda, especi

at do you

n the Hacienda. She did not make friends with Hacienda's assistants or talk to any

s de

Andoy. Alysia mercilessly slapped Andoy and hit him on the

to her mother, so she kept it. So, it hurts him that even, the only thing that is important to him will d

u want to be imprisoned for what you did to

s head. It still hasn't changed,

ant. I just made them easy! to take care of my horse, is that hard to do!?" She shou

want at all is to

I care. So please stop! because I don't want

her position. Their eyes are glued together. Their faces are close t

ips as if I wanted him to kiss me. But she pushed Benideck away as

ause of what Benideck said, Alysia was

Alysia has always had a bad attitude, the stubborn.

o stop him from her bad habits. He just is not

ue like this. I want him to change even though, he kno

d artistic. They grew up just like that. Even though she doesn't like me, but he still tries t

ith the relatives of his staff. Because

w that he is dead, he does not know, wh

ers. he does not know what Alys

r some unknown reason. I'm happy to see Don Dumineck again. It looks like

t was his dream when he was young. Even though his mother could not stu

tted to his education

d down. But when he graduated

e was shocked when Don Domenick came to his dorm. Don wants after he pass

ude to Don Dumineck, he did no

d to your señ

ienda knows what their woman behav

erie was forced to use Ma'am Alysia's horse. Because the horse

kin is red. Because of th

he interfere with

loud voice. Her eye

not speak again. She notices that she likes to take things, not

I didn't stop ma'a

ndoy might have fallen in the hospital. Thanks, Andoy, Because Benideck came to stop the girl. Wh

But first, go to the Doc

y obeyed even though h

g was going to happen at the Mansion. Alysia's horn will come out

place, she can think better, When she just stands and walks. While rubbing h

ding the newspaper. She almost fell to the floor, which immediately g

touched, Benideck's. She did not want

foot block my path? And why

annoyed wit

ng her waist. She felt electricity creeping through

. I wish I could join you

ut it does not seem to want to be with him.

whatever I looked at you then and now

high. She will not like the person, she

at I want. Alysia thinks. seven years ago and a lot has changed! even the woman I want

en leave immediately. Alysia was stunned

ek blush because

I hope you like my st

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