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Chapter 5 Cheer

Word Count: 1490    |    Released on: 26/04/2021

h High-


, the boys were going to play soccer, and this was a game that was loved by

our way to the front for a better view, I look from Janet to Kelly, they love this game so much

t almost all the girls in school admire, I was not excluded, he

sure enough, it was Jeffery and his team dressed in a black polo and white short with t

I know this was going to happen so I pay little interest

is confusing, Russeli has always been the winner of each ma

knew had always been sporty and good at each game, I re

e will you choose?" She asked me, I don't care who wins or lose, this was just a scho

t doesn't amaze her at all," Janet added and th

and I concentrated on one. "I know you would choose the trans

was always admired in class, and everyone says she gets whatever she wants, maybe

" Vera placed her vote. They were on it again. And I kept li

like R

just know he is good at this ga

e transferred student's team," Bella told Vera,

ocused on the game. Russell's team made their way to Jeffrey's team post and in one shot,

elp but smile, but I wasn't smiling because Russeli scored the goa

team won't stand another chance." The whistle to start the game went

Russell's team?" Vera asked Suzy in a mocking tone, she

ion I have never seen before, I traced her eyes to see that she was looking

e on it, now I see someone else also b

e too hard to give in," Vera said to Suzy before turning her head to con

while the others cheer. "They are the best, fighting Russeli!" Vera shouted with

nyone?" Kelly asked Janet, my two friends were also ge

iggle, my friends were a really funny set of people, they both looked at me and

the students around, I am sure many were removing their vote for Jeffery.

"You're going to choose the transferred student'

, and whereas it is not fair if no one is on their

They seem to be disappointed in their choice, I think they are all v

h a proud look in her eyes. "You did

Janet word made i an

thing get past her ears asked curiously as

must be on his side since she ha

ious, that many students have to, and it was not pleasing to me, yes I have let him go, b

I turned my head, they have already scored another

Suzy. "You have to change team now since they don't stand a chanc

nd I shook my head, she was truly a not let go student. I faced the field just in

s than ten minutes remaining ti

d my heart sink, she was attracted to Jeffery and she was givin

down. "I doubted his skills. " Janet pouts and I s

m, got to the goal post and shot the ball in before the final whistle go off, ear

riends sarcastically with a broad smile on h

m," Kelly told me and I forced a smile, the crowded fiel

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