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Chapter 3 The bump

Word Count: 1341    |    Released on: 26/04/2021

h High-



the place was filled with students, t

ffery was there, all through the time at class I couldn't focus because I was s

me with a smile, I had almost forgotten about that, they have hear

the table." She told me and look towards the direction and there he was

s Cindy," Janet told me as she

e. Damn those girls, alwa

ediately and raised her head to see who I had just bumped into and my gaze met brief

s Jef

It is okay." He said indifferently

leave. "He didn't recognise

en when he left me without a word." She pressed her lips together and lifts her ey

longs to Russeli from behind, pulling me away from my thought

and his smile was so comforting. "Yeah." I smile back as he helped

ng, but I didn't look up, I didn't want him to notice m

not given me away. Russeli was a boy who knows how to read on

as thinking about something, that my mind was disturbed, that I was here

ughts. "What do you mean lost in thought?" I waved it off. "I am eati

rins. "I am happy that you are." He told me


nds staring at Jeffery who ate with his two friends next to

s not only because he was a transferred student or because he was handso

udent." Bella leans her chin on her hand. "So cute." Her eyes were only staring at Jeff

mplex," Vera

told Vera sharply, I don't care if Jeffery

e told me, I know none of them was rea

again." I turned my face to

me across you and not be charmed," Bella told me, I was happy at h

ol fairy princess." I blushed, I was alwa

student telling her friends, I smirk, good thing

student to speak and I frown but didn't look at them, trul

ahlia, another student told them. "

hem, telling them to shut up, but I was holding ba

e," Elle said again as

ahlia blinks with

lled in my head and glanced ba

from their thoughts as if my wish

ked at her. "Remember, we are still just lookers and

le said softly as she l

ahlia added and

o longer staring at Jeffery, satisfied I turn my he

ry Wa

. "This is serious." He said to

ing up from my lunch, su

t yet?" Chad asked me

poon down, curious to know

ave been spelled by your charm

y, I was not interested so

hem a love portio

me?" He asked even if it was obvious, I just want to hear wha

. "That question came as a surprise to me." His exp

ired this way in California and even got

k too much." I smiled and look at them again. "Well, that's what I missed mo

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