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The Tale Of Josh

Chapter 2 The name on his chest

Word Count: 1685    |    Released on: 26/04/2021

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possessed much, accompanied with burden, but this child is of prophecy. His name is written on his chest. Fear not, but you must chang

t the baby in his arms, with the pieces of paper he had just

of the river in a slat crying. "I cannot fend for my

so for this little." He looked down at the child again. "I just

stic wolf. "I am quite quixotic that you

to his chest. He turned around and replied to his wife. "Please I beg of you Sus

er mind to them. She was stubborn and would always app

me that cutie now and go fend for your son, and leave this o

e held him. She looked up at her husband and continued. "Do you k

shook h

"Throw them away?" She asked in anger as she remem

ed his job, but never the less, he ought not to have

efined Williams poverty or something, but they lo

dmiration. "What a handsome cute boy,

usband gave, although he would have been handsome, but, his father m

d with her troublesome feet squashing upon e

ms and then. turned to her son that was walking alo

ld catch up," Sussy shouted while facing her son who was carr

ls a mile away to catch up. He must leap

would reckon. "They never know that it is Cleveland, anything can happen, as long as I am in ch

within range tends to possess a simple lifestyle except an honour

no peace, forthwith the tremendous

cry little." She told the child. "I must bath this dirt off your dainty skin o

r son. "Give me that risotto I made an

nt of singing the poem of time, he kep

over the child's appearance, seemingly

g on the little boy's chest. "Juli

the minute of a noble life of hers, and she spoke provoca

on my speed. " The obedient Fe

s Felix approaches his father, he was busy working on one of th

e decoration, Felix abused the job to be ga

ut to turn back at his work. Felix squawk. "Mommy n

would be lots of squeamish angry bargy on reaching

aw the whinny on her husband's face and said immediately. "Why do yo

Williams, you work too much, come, have your bath

ought to himself that what was wrong in the face he saw in Sussy because often wh

e easy, as he assumed. Immediately he leans back on his chair in

about this child." She pointed at the baby now asleep on the bed. "A

nds?" Williams asked her not knowing w

periment." Sussy who do not like to exerc

and quiet night. He walked to his tool shop and brought out the piece

f and read aloud

val, a bright crystalline light splash up from the lette

her life, her husband could tell from the look on her f

done is to reserve the statement to that poi

g discovery from this small sheet of

relaxed, at long last, the roo


the cocks crowing alert even the laziest creature to at

rgy, normally rule his day with principles

adership rules, they rise very early and tidy up the

move to get the business of the day done

a second child of her blood, as her

is presumed speedy and demands his wish to be done first,

r sight as they spend much of their time pl

y take as directed by elders. Felix who was five years now as Josh se

ey take action on embarking on difficult troubles with other kids,

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