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The Tale Of Josh

Chapter 3 Born Belle

Word Count: 930    |    Released on: 26/04/2021

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f help." Williams asked, carrying

d for godmother!" Sussy responded harshl

rior and astonishing degree of parts, w

d at her saying with a slightly frustrating voice. "I

called out for help to some people at a distanc

ds close by saying. "Hello,

He exclaimed. "She is in labour and I nee

ent. "We cannot conceive two women born with the same physical,

sing the same language, send for more, and

oice this April man." A

ercised the Labia for an eas

id severely," W

y, okay! Calm down Sussy'

d called out hoarsely. "Oh godmot

y. "Never struggle yet, she might be pretty and needs goo

usly in a dry voice. "On every hand, there is a

ng and greeting towards air and light. Therefore stop the grumbles,

a slightly mannered voice. "To her is human b

push stressless till the body moved out with blood puffing to b

nd immediately Josh was there speak


ade to see the offspring of Williams first before

he proclaimed. "Gosh! Goofy, she seems to have f

be friendly at first, but said in harshly. "Now d

!" Felix speaks grisly an

smile, but this time he had no phlegmatic quality to move for acti

se. Then for the first time in life, Josh kissed the quiet ba

o odd an impression upon my mind, that soon after I was a

neither moral, nor design in it, and cannot be so properly called a dream

away to ensure the child's safety. "Come on out,

ugh and matches forward to the door like s


to twinkle. Sussy lay down her head on the pill

bullied again by Clinton who needs his first sister's hand in marriage. If he must keep o

Smiles, the young thief is about to force him to join

father, Mr Williams, who would tend to bring trouble to the

enacing body that might tend to deprive him of his choice, not even

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