down the center of her spine, hair standing up at the back of her neck, goose bumps marching an eager path down her arms. Someon
nk that she was crazy. Hell, she was actually beginning to think that she was a little bit crazy.
She just knew.
isagreements with people... Everyone did. She was sure it wasn't enough for someone to want to
sually found boring. She knew most of people who attended just came to show off their designer clothes and brag about their latest achievements. The women regarded food as an enemy and the men
she wondered what it would have been like growing up with her mother. It wasn't so easy when she was a teenager and wanted to talk about things she didn't feel l
d. He never remarried. So he raised Kimberly as a single father. He was filthy rich. He own
anything for her and everyone who knew them knew that. Kimberly was
d soon inherit her father's company and she knew Hillary would do anything to protect his lovely daughter a
her to do something crazy like move back into his m
other reason why she hadn't told her father how she had been feeling lately. She wanted her freedom and she knew she wouldn't have that if s
nd her and so she hardly told people who she was
nd not too far away from her dad too. She didn't want to be too far away from him. He was all she had and vice ve
ies was because she didn't want to bother him. She hated to see him worry. And she wasn't go
ldhood friends, and they had a very strong bond. They thought of themselves as sisters and told ea
g. Phoebe was that person. And Kimberly told her everything. And so
being paranoid, her reaction at first was to laugh long and hard. Which was
good friend and try to make me feel better" Kimberly had said
e. Stalking you... Who knows maybe you are his 'mate' and he's you know.... Pr
u. You are an idiot. Just forget
re just stressed. You said it yourself that nothing has been out of the ordinary. It
ted to hurt her. The person would have done it by now. Why lurk around in the shadows?
ayed with her. And no matter how much she tried not to