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Chapter 8 The Prophecy of Doom 1

Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

was hard to say as to what he was staring at exactly since there was nothing but darkness ahead. Darkness bar the ripples of waned moonlight on the sultry, inert w

te spelled, and the t

an who had been waiting. He had severe features, those

g followed. You never know-” Adoni

r Concealment and Disillusionme

n the other Aurors in Hungary, where he w

vorite family lived. The town looks abandoned from a distance. It took me several days to

uestioned Grax’s instinct before, and he did not intend to begin then. The man was as sharp as a goblin

would’ve thought?” Adon

y?” Grax asked as they took a

he Dark Lord’s memories that he left Grindelwald alive, Travers, as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforce

e of the Ministry to

ally know Tra

y relation with

out to be a bad egg. But here, I am talking about Tristan Travers, grandson of Torquil Travers. He’s always

aring the Dark Lord

in the memory? What was the last thing Gr

th! But my death will not bring you what you seek. There is so much you do not understan

d t

nder the Imperius Curse to sta

at he i

h his free will. We had a break-in in the Hall of Prophec

took it? What pr

iever in prophecies. He liked to ke

to only a few, including Yusuf Kama, Tina Goldstein, Torquil Travers, and Albus Dumbledore. The Predictions of Tycho Dodonus was a book published sometime before 1927 that recorded the often poetic prophecies of the Seer Tycho Dodonus. It wa

e was not a heroic individual by any means, but the Ministry paid him handsomely for his efforts. The higher the stakes, the higher the galleon payout. This

rn, and as they made it, the gangw

ed. I get tired of disillusionment easil

nd the key to the disillusionment charm. I tried everythi

at is t

and picked berries fro

poisonous. In fact, t

o him. The docks disappeared from his vision, and the

ted between two tall pi



pillars, or you will be turned


,” Grax warned. “We a

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