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Dark secrets(forbidden love affair series)

Chapter 4 Family Secrets- Flasback

Word Count: 895    |    Released on: 16/05/2021

ighter than air. My head felt foggy. It was like having a morning aft

iend once told me that you can't touch imaginary things so I put my hand to the w

shape of my hand. The shape was black. Not dark,but black. Pur

hed in. "Miles? I heard you scream." She held a gol

pushing sixty, defending me from an intrud

Cook."I managed. She sta

?" She stared bemusedly at the club i

he stared at me accusingly.

a girl,I would be the butt of the joke for..

w. Not on the wall or anywhere else. I decided th

me to watch hor

whatever torture mum and her gang were going to put

first of many. I kept s

ly to stop it. I was next to the tv---about eight feet away from my dresser--and there was no wa

r and scattered into a million pieces was floating in t

my fingers. I screamed and snatched my h

ell to the floor with a loud bang. The resulting s

e insane if it w

ne of the weird manifestations an

onds before asking"Have you ever heard

the table separating us. "Well then nephew,le

randfather and his bestfriend Carl were membe

of all things relating to magic. Yes,magic. I

n defeating a foe of The Order and for this,the Three had rewa

o be English but my brain ain't computing it."He'd glared at

d marathon video game m

e Order. They being The judge,

beginning of a ba

e. James rarely got angry that it was a su

e."I groveled,doing my

our great grandfather and his friend were given this uncharted territory to lord over. You will learn more about the politics that governs The Order in due course. You only need to know n

rrupt,but what

od up and blew my m

w what I was supposed to be looking at. James was standing in front of me one seco

me. I would never make suc


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