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Dark secrets(forbidden love affair series)

Chapter 5 Family Secrets- Present

Word Count: 1627    |    Released on: 16/05/2021


one had poked me. I pivoted my head to glare at the

udely returning my focus back to where it s

d happened four years ago. I'd com

or me?"He asked in

the flash dr

y for further instructions."Blade w

night swallowed him up. With a heavy

idn't have to resort to such underha

y,I didn't h

s all h


voice r

iancé. "You with me?"He smiled briefly

e."I rallied my wits and

s supposed to be, I'd had a hard time looking James in the eye. The itch to query

ave been able to ask J

before we got engaged. As his wife to be,I h

t that I knew everything there was to know about him. At least I

mes,what you saw

ames came along at a time when his parents

n the seventh grade. I knew

on a journey of a lifetime. Things were going to get r

ecially now that I was working with

doubt about my ow

e when he went to the loo was the right thing. I shoved the dou

nd I was on a date wi

We settled on Black House." His ph

ted with his calle

e call was work related. He had m

the next thirty minutes." He ended th

be. I hav

e are on a dat

it up to yo

g me here are you?

you an Uber

freaking Uber. I

d at him

one being unreasonable. Who walk

ave given you my car and found another ride." He le

and embarrassed

. There were other people at their tables just feet away from us. And

ut and typed a furio

d up,loud music blari

ed hea

brought Shyna. A bad da

nd matching stilettos. The sun bounced off

ck suit and skirt,white undershirt,complete with a bow tie. The dress wasn't a problem. The brigh


istractedly,already f

full glare of everyone who chose to dine here today fo

We got stuc

ft you on your date.

ng what she found funny

e food?"Alicia interjected hurrie

she would associate herself

ectedly. I still couldn't believe J

g like you do right now. Let's just stay

s way it would seem I'd been wait

ght Alicia and

he wedding plans?"Alicia asked

frustration and kicke

plant?" Miles dragged me away from the p

He fucking stood

ven begin to understand wh

mes had been AWOL. If I didn't know better

ute for two of our dates. Last week,he literally walked out in the middle of


iles visibly shrank

hand in a plac

didn't mean to

t the important m

t mee

horrible thought was beginni

with government ag

e handle vastly different areas of the business. It's entirely

s in the eye and gave voice to the terrible notion wreaking

u even arrive at

lanner. We have chosen a venue. We have a tentative date. I have had two wedding gown fitting

. He has be

e's always about work....

James had never been completely absent no mat

ress. James never went to my first fittings let alone know that I have a new tailor." It was common knowledge that the only reaso

sure that made James p

eing dramatic as usual and blowing things out of proportion

well founded a

rest of the day at my house. Even have dinner with your future in-laws. T

d to you. It doesn't co

re getting married into my fami

t my new relationship with Mi

"That means I can order y

fore grabbing my arm and pulling me

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