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Godfather World

Chapter 4 A Name

Word Count: 1884    |    Released on: 26/05/2021

was no pain. The second time, it hurt like crazy. Shouldn't God be

civilian #3207 turned around. The child that he sa

win souls. God already said that this child's ability was weak, and he was here to assist his twin soul brother to succeed

ng master of a mafia family. His warm brown eyes didn't reflect any darkness, and he was untouched like a flower in winter by the darkness of this worl

ust be

ore our souls fuse into one. All my memories, feelings and experience will become yours. Please use them to accomplish our

into him, and he couldn't say he was surprised. The third young master of the Taro family was a nerd and was

most important ability

ne. From Zen's memories, only the Godfat

on held absolute power. No wonder God chose only a few people to give this ability to. The candidate mustn't just be strong enough to not go insane after listening to the dead. They should also not be swayed by it.

it was the higher form of the omerta that the normal underworld practised. Unlike the omerta, where a traitor was hunted by

te to you?" While civilian #3207 heard

Godfather candidates can usually listen to the inner voices of others. It's an unawakened version of "Blood". Althou

said that Zen was one of his golden children. Zen Taro wasn't the on

ly one with this ability? Do you

ed then

business deal and territory, pushing them into the top 500. In fact, my family isn't the only one who received a windfall. I can only guess that some of the other candidates who were given a helping hand sent their Godfather candidates. T

ivilian #3207 embraced his soul brother and f

nt onwards, I have a name. I am Zen, the

. When the soul was reforged, millions of memory fragments surged into the new soul's mi

ated in a moving vehicle with almo

Taro family. They were sent packing, and after getting a health check-u

other Godfather candidate in the same truck as him. If the Godfather did send Zen th

even if they were unarmed as they guarded the door. Escaping

screen. The students started becoming excited, but Zen took a while to figure o

ion to attend Godfather High School. You are fortunate students chosen by your families to vie for the position of the next Godfather. I belie

r High School was just a fancy name. In this school, there were no teachers or classes. Everyone attending was a young master or a young mistress. They participate with only one purpose - to become the next

d you'll live for a little longer. Disobey them and meet the same end as the t

nt is over. Fighting is allowed but in moderation. P

, but the predatory gazes of the other students in the same truck as him made him a t

ting in events. The second is by catching my attention. The currency is stored in a virtual wallet in your VR account that can be ac

t the Taro family's third young master often indulged in? Then again, that would r

se students concerned about your safety around them, we've taken the necessary countermeasures. Embedded into the back of their necks is a microchip exactly the same as yours. If they inten

but Zen finally understood why all students had to undergo a compulsory medical check-up. The doctors must have inserted the microchip during the

e the microchips in your necks would be punishable by death as well. The

ime bomb inside their bodies, their hands were tied. Everyone was dancing in the palm of this one

clear all the VR games I prepared will be the next

s he fell unconscious was how this trial was going to be to his advantage. He might not know much about games, but the pre

he t

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1 Chapter 1 Devil's Luck2 Chapter 2 A Frustrating Death3 Chapter 3 Karma4 Chapter 4 A Name5 Chapter 5 Dead Last6 Chapter 6 Adopted7 Chapter 7 A Unique Skill8 Chapter 8 Michelin Star Quality9 Chapter 9 The Seer's Man10 Chapter 10 Special Exception11 Chapter 11 Angel of Death12 Chapter 12 Enemy of The Round Table13 Chapter 13 Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself14 Chapter 14 100 Shots15 Chapter 15 Rum and Coke16 Chapter 16 Hangover17 Chapter 17 Secrets of the Tiger Lily18 Chapter 18 Meeting the Survivors (1)19 Chapter 19 Meeting the Survivors (2)20 Chapter 20 No Offense21 Chapter 21 Echo Association22 Chapter 22 A Gamer's Advantage23 Chapter 23 Borrowed Strength24 Chapter 24 First Dive25 Chapter 25 Birthing an Area Boss26 Chapter 26 Party Raid27 Chapter 27 Zen's Theory28 Chapter 28 Before the Egg Hunt29 Chapter 29 Cunning Zen30 Chapter 30 Sprinter31 Chapter 31 Food Over Credits32 Chapter 32 Capture the Flags33 Chapter 33 Thank You For Taking Care of My Man34 Chapter 34 Spawn Domination35 Chapter 35 First Dozen36 Chapter 36 Running in Angles37 Chapter 37 Egg Buffet38 Chapter 38 Thorny Path39 Chapter 39 Fools in High Places40 Chapter 40 Olive Branch41 Chapter 41 Minesweeper42 Chapter 42 Switching Sides43 Chapter 43 Tides Turn44 Chapter 44 Godly Food Party's Sword45 Chapter 45 Laundromat Drama46 Chapter 46 A Horrible Bird47 Chapter 47 Crafting the Rainbow Egg48 Chapter 48 Petrification Cure49 Chapter 49 Basilisk Tamer50 Chapter 50 Crippled Carnage51 Chapter 51 92 Shots52 Chapter 52 I Did My Best53 Chapter 53 Rise of the Strongest Candidate