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My Revenge Goddess

My Revenge Goddess


Chapter 1 The Break up

Word Count: 1559    |    Released on: 24/05/2021

ainst her own. She wondered why he was so angry with her, She had only asked

He glared at her, taking his hands off her. "Don't call my name..." Tears welled in "I Love you.. Scott.." He gave a short mocking laugh" oh really now?...I said don't call my name!" Charm hugged him forcefully and tightly like her life depended on it.."I lost Myself..I am yours...you are my all...Sco

d visited her once in awhile...Charm was the defi

sked me...but guess what I don't" Trish frowned "I hate Scott for doing this to you....How could he Be So inconsiderate" Charm buried her face in her pillow." Trish slapped her back

to" charm re

emporary part of her life" Charm and Trish turned to where the voice was and saw Charm's mum walking in with snacks in a

depression and all that...I didn't want you to do

being over dramatic m

for being caring...but I think t

was gone, Trish smiled mischievously..."give me your pho

you nee

g you a reve


need her..

in those kind of magic stuff

ou are best friends with

e up and

tap this button on your phone, write

" Am still wondering why am not a m

ss icon and laughed. She didn't Click on i


shorter than usual" Charm gave a little smile "The feeling is mutual Mr Freeman, she swung her backpack on her right shoulder and moved in, For some reason she smiled When she saw the class hall, moving to her locker she picked out her history book. "Am not gonna look defeated especially in front of you Scott"..She muttered to herself .on entering the c

on Trisha's desk which was in front of Char

s the first day for the term and you are already unleashing your bad habits on my poor friend" Freda scoffed" I just wanted to

nd moved out ang

ried to intervene"No Trish she seemed eager

ked but ofcourse it was very easy to identify that most of her emotions were mainly to criticize or mock ."That soon...he really Moved on quickly.." Charm became confused "Moved on?, What do

f things babe, but you

Quizzically"Trish start talking..." Tr

veryone turned their eyes to the door as Scott moved in Holding hands with Samantha, Everything went still and for a moment Charm felt

d he do t

her...."Charm am sorry

vy, that she started to breath awkwardly. Trisha helped her

es, house party that Friday night. Trish

around the corner close to some trees stood Scott, He seemed to be alone, He was leaning on one of the trees and staring at the Moon, Charm tried to Go to him but stopped when

heard him say and immediately she fumed and rushed to where he

surprised tried to push her away from him."Charm?" He men

the attention of others at the party and Trish rus

friend doesn't understand the concept of Moving on" Charm stared at Scott, She wasn't hu

ome and when the pulled up in front of her house she looked do

Left Such a wound inside you that seemed so hard to heal, I wanna just wake up one morning and s

Trish? Why?...Doesn't he feel this

ook awhile before she could take her to her room, Charm's parents were not

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