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My Revenge Goddess

Chapter 5 His Touch

Word Count: 1036    |    Released on: 24/05/2021

ching her Dad read the Newspa

Never really spoke to her Dad all the time. He was her step father and although they were not really clos

ing addicted is a r

and finally realizing herself she saw that he seemed really happy that she spoke to him. The doo

fun, wanna join?" She asked giving charm her cutest eyes. Looki

That was the second time she was hearing that question. She moved inside, Picked up her bag and go

wed him to the front seat of the car, while he took the wheels. It took them about five Minutes to get there. It was a Garden, Scott's Mum's Garden, Which Happened to be

e loved this place alot, would always

"Where i

lower he continued."She had Cancer...Breast Cancer...it was in its worst stage so.." letting out a little gasp he dropped the Rose, Charm rushed over to him and put his finger in her mouth, tr

is finger. She moved forward, Folding her Tr

after. "You know...

know" Really?..But I saw you

eet. "Just because we hate something d

Charm r

d this Poem by

immediately"The b

was a masterpiece, and to think

"some scholars said sh

harm stared at the sky, Lying on her back, she re

hearts f


sun seems

the Beauty o

second verse, Lyin

r feelin

Love grow

n destro

he beauty o

em Chorused The T

he beauty

eems to be

e Beauty o

Love seem

other. Charm got emot

worried asked"Is

The poem reminded me of something" He stood up laugh

rt skipping beats, She wanted to step away, She wanted to stop him, She wasn't prepared like She was before. His other had raised her chin. His lips was Close to hers" I know you don't have one"He muttered and kissed her. His

up her bag she moved to the car

ing Music to reduce the awkwardness, but right now she didn't need any song. So a

it felt that way, The kiss and his touch still affected her,She wanted to cry, She Emotionally vented on herself, This was not what

thing" she could tell without even looking at him that those words tou

Monday" Moving out she turned t

are Emotion

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