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My Half-Vampire Mate

Chapter 5 Monster

Word Count: 885    |    Released on: 25/05/2021


have accepted me. I had to make her fall for me first and then, I could tell her. But then things messed up and I ended up kidnapping h


far at the same time. I couldn't touch her, feel her or com

embled the deep blue ocean, her soft fragile body, everything was so mesmerizing

found out from my sources that she didn't drink much bl



hould rather say a palace. It was so deep in the forest I wondered

hesitated before stepping out of the car.

res, but in my case, I can feel cold just like humans. My body is also warm, as compared to vampires

ld have sprained my neck if I stared at it for any longer. The vampire who was sitting with me in the car walked past m

run. Seriously?! He made a deal with me man, then why do the

hoed in the corridor, as we were walking t

is head towards me and waved his hand in the air,

of a huge oak door until he opened the double doo

of a sudden after kidna

. A large case filled with books was at the north wall of the room. While there was a fireplace at the south w

e with this freaky k

breaking the silence. He just stared at me, not answering my q

ed nonchalantly. A mischievous grin took place on those thin lips.

ne with his smile. Although it was gorgeo

out later. But till th

e shitty reason, which you are not even telling me?!" I was feeling dizzy and my eyelids were getting

letely messed up because of this vampire and I

s expression darkene

ing long furious strides towards me. When he

be here! You are mean

ack and I was waiting for the



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