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Only You

Chapter 3 Next day

Word Count: 1586    |    Released on: 25/05/2021


p was far from being peaceful. She tossed and turned on her bed.

om death. Aren’t dead people supposed to stay dead? She glanced over her shoulder as she continued to run through the thick foliage

ked as if it was partly decayed. There was blood and drool coming out of the corners of it’s mouth. It’s clothes were torn and tattered and pieces of f

didn’t have another choice. She had to. Mr. Stone was an evil person. He was a

the night? Then to her good luck, she saw a little shack. Maybe this was her chance to save herself. With a frantic heart,

e. He smashed the door, making little pieces of wood to scatter all over t

towards the petrified girl

d seemed to echo when he spoke. Clair was too terrified to say anything, as she sensed his cold hand

ave me

held on to her. The claws of the one who had once bought her


” she screamed, stil

illed the air. The foul smell of death filled the entire ro

amed when Mr. Stone


ightmare, soaked in swea

st then, her phone dinged. It was a message fro

air. Just

hen she was not ready......? Her eyes stung with tears which she trie

rove to you that I am worthy of you. I will work hard to keep you happy.

r cheeks. Does Levi think that he is not worthy of her? Shaking her head, she c

that I will be able to make our lives a happy one. I am so sorry Levi. But this is for your own good.” She whispered, fully

....” she sobbed, slowly drif

. How could she get a good night’s sleep anyway? Whenever she closes her eyes Mr. Stone attacks her in some form. Her ni

d that she could erase that part from her memory. But it was impossible. All those miserable days were a part of her life.

o that she could go downstairs to feed him his breakfast. This little human had always made life better for her

nships and organising awareness programs. However, her life now depen

ng room, Adira and Austin we

d anything.” Austin said as he

you pick the phone.” Lilli

of spending the whole two weeks on the bed?” Henry high fived

g room at night.” Austin smirked at Lilli, who’s face turned b

ut a contro

you guys don’t get pregnant soon.” Lil

rn from that!” came H

nce. Their eyes widened when they saw a very confused Clair,

what is wrong with these youngsters.” Henry’s

ing not to laugh as she

verything you need for Nolan?”

, baby food..... A

for depending on him so much, she nodded.

thinking about

..maybe I should go for a jo

leaders smiled sh

n maybe you can look for a job. I am telling you

t. We are here to help.” Lilli urge

his chance kid

study. Only then would she get a decent job so t

reed, making

he courses in the college

his little hand, making

ngry.” Sh

ittle tummy of yours.” Lilli said, as

laughing the sweetest?” Henry’s

bit their lips, trying their best to hold back their laughter, whole C

ng y’all. Get pregnant!

red, nodding, makin

di. Otherwise we will be late.” Austin

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