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Only You

Chapter 5 Contemplating

Word Count: 1704    |    Released on: 25/05/2021


for me. She most probably would be already searching the university website, lookin

ly would be in her room. I walked up to her room and was about to knock when I though

er an year now. Why isn’t

Lilli’s voice. She was

th time.” Henry tried to console he

blem with me?” she asked, sounding worried and conc

r, however, I heard it, making my mouth open in shock

t must have hurt so bad each time. I started to feel bad for laughing at the jokes and Gabby aunty’s pesters. Each time

the door. I couldn’t help it, but listen attentively. Pe

et. When it does, we will have ou

lmost see how he would hold her while she cried in his arms. How he would wipe h

pportive husband. I would also love to have that....maybe

n’t. Levi doesn’t deserve a broken girl like me. I didn

er my breath, careful to be silent e

’s voice sounded a little better now. At least she no

ix an appointment with the

pause before Li

me.....divorce me and find someone else.” O

dare say that again.”

you my love. Nothing is going to change th

t one for Lilli, the one I saw as a sister. I just knew as

nd knocked on the door. Lilli opened the door after a some time. Perhaps she

uessed that she was going through a hard time. Maybe I too could learn to put up a brave fa

website right?” she exclaimed,

a sweetheart. I’m sure she would be a great

nvited me in sid

owledged my presence a


Call me. Ok?” Henry said and walke

s huge. With white marbled floor and white wash walls, it’s interior was somewhat similar to the

their homes were extortionate. However, I would prefer this place a million times over Mr. Stone’s

s she patted on to the spot next to her. Sighing, I

business....there are lots more.” She muttered with her

mind already. Perhaps then, I could find a wa

he asked for

” I co

short listed, they will contact you for an interview.” She t

d the chance to take back then. I felt ecstatic to find out that I had passed with flying colours. But my happiness was laced with bitterness, wh

, but I kept giving excuses. After all, I was pregnant with Nolan. However, now feel the need to study so that I could get a

ur, which now I knew was just a mask of her what she really felt on the ins

..... What is it?” she asked wh

d and loo

l her that I

ttered, not being able to find

ands on mine, and ga

tell me. I told you. You

p things from each oth

g, I f

ard your conversation with Henry just no

laying how broken she was. It certainly

et a little baby soon.” I whispered,

she quickly wip

t have to pretend in front of you.” She murmured in betwee

ok my

s will support you no matter what.” I told her. This time, it was my t

ed, as silent tears r

disturb others with my problems.”

exactly what she meant. Fo

....” I told her slowly, the words sink

elp.” I whispered,

ciate it.” She replied, makin

ossible that they too would listen to me? That they too would want to he

en up or not. But.....my problems and mental issues were far wors

ves peacefully. And hopefully, I will find a good way to co

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