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He's Good at Being Bad

He's Good at Being Bad

Author: axisixas

Chapter 1 Sold to the Psycho Billionaire

Word Count: 1191    |    Released on: 25/05/2021

was that there was a police car by the end of the street. When they heard the gunshot, of course, they saw me staring at the dead man on the floor, and the worst part was that one of the men s

esponse even though I wasn't the one who killed the man. I was panicking that

that moment. I couldn't think and let my reflexes respond at tha

n the streets late at night? Because I was craving some burgers, and I end up buying

e! Why the fuck do they have to do it unprotected, fuck! And the w

n I actually look! I never know I'll go literally downhill beca

best person I've known since the beginning. Believe me, I'm not dumb, but

him because I was an immigrant and had been hiding since my tourist days are done. My race is a half half-comodo dragon, half-lizard. Kidding, It's a secret. I need to keep my race a secret to

d he laughed, "You we

'm getting tir

n the face, I already did, but I can't even reach my toes. I know, how satisfyi

idn't have sex since he was preserving his body to his mate. I think he was delusional. He is such a joke; I couldn't even compare to him. He is crazy; he keeps on telling me about creatures I've only read in b

I didn't know I could go dumber. We never had sex even though I lust for his body because, boy, that damn lunatic has some crazy toned abs, and the amount of melanin is too much I couldn't handle. I could only fantasize

ened; and I'm back he

for you. Do you want

s pretty rich. Still, I couldn't reach his level of crazy to the point o

own the law are beyond dangerous. Women to them are play

ead than behind bars. Give me

careless and always looking like a joke, "It doesn't matter if he's crazier than Lucid or if he's

ts and my siblings financially, I left them in the country where I came from. My initial plan was to marry a cit

pays the most. I only had to do my little sexy dance, which was I couldn't even do well since I wasn't built for dancing. My body was stiff and all over aw

beyond crazy, even crazy than Lucid

I was sold to the

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