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Miss Gibbie Gault


Word Count: 4181    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

toward the platform was not to be resisted by Mrs. McDougal, wh

ld make a good speech if you'd touch his tongue. You're an ora

ree propositions. Last year the total revenue of the town was $16,907.23, and your expenditures something under one thousand dollars less than your income. Out of your sinking-fund you retired a large proportion of your outstanding bonds, with the result that your indebtedness is now sufficiently small to justify your increasing it. I am here t

name o

latform, and Mary Cary, catching them, laughed a

wish to say, Mr. Bill

put his hand to his mouth, co

dollars is a powerful lot of mo

ll let me get through it will save time, and then questions can be asked and answered. Last year the rate of interest on all taxable property was one dollar

"I know the name of taxes isn't truly pleasant to any one. But I have with me a list of taxpayers who a

aper, and as she unwound it she threw one end t

o put their hands in their pockets to prove it. A truly trying test!" S

own she had made in one long, narrow ribbon, and as they did so she laughe

st what sort of a town it is, and what it may be. As a friend of this friend of Yorkburg I am authorized to say that if this issue of fifty thousand dollars' worth of bonds be made promptly, the like amount of fifty thousand dollars will be

ads of some leaned forward, the bodies of others leaned back, then the clearing of throats and the shuffling of feet bro

eanut on top, I never seen one," said Mrs. McDougal in a voice none too low, "and

latform such astounding propositions as have been made before it to-night. The young lady who has made them is doubtless actuated by high and lofty motives,

im He put woman in a sphere, or if a man told him?" and Mrs. McDougal, o

d the titter which threatened to be something mo

Brickhouse, go on! I thought maybe you'd jus

little man, speechless with amazement, then t

e kind of fool you are as quick as your to

d enough for our fathers, and I, for one, protest against the supplanting of the trees they planted by the planting of more! We don't want more! And who is the person who offers this gift? Why is his name withheld? Is he ashamed of it, or is there a string tied to it which we don't see yet? What does the party want of us in

t impressive. "Why should fifty thousand dollars' worth of bonds be issued? For what purpose will the money be used? Why should this great increase in taxes by made? What is to be done with the money drained

tter held in her hand lest the laughter in them be seen, were raised, and she was now lo

rough, Mr.

is moist face limply.

ow the platform, stepped upon it, and the lett

e of this friend will not be known. Another characteristic of this same person is that before a place can be properly beautiful it should be made sound and solid and healthy. The foundation must come first, and the foundation of any town which would have a future is to know Yorkburg is badly laid out. It isn't laid out at all, and many of its streets start and end as they please. An elemental need of Yorkburg is that it should be l

his name to the list of taxpayers who are willing to increase their taxes in order that Yorkburg may get a new bonnet and gloves and good stout shoes for its feet. He thinks they are not needed,

learned from your mayor that the town is financially able to do what it is asked to do. We need two new school-buildings-one for primary and grammar

hen again turned to the men immediately in fron

n away I never saw anything beautiful or useful or splendid, never saw good streets, schools, libraries, churches, parks, playgrounds, galleries, museums, baths, kindergartens, never saw a good idea in operation, or anything that made life nicer and better that I didn't wish Yorkburg had it

e what you don't work for, don't deny yourself a little bit for, don't take some risk with. Some say there's risk in marriage, but people get married. They want to. We can do anything for Yorkburg we want to if we just want hard eno

orkburg sign it?" It was Mr. B


ry, ice factory, electric-light plant; owner of mor

it. "His name is the first on the list. Next is Mr

bie Gault's


he man at his side. "Looks like she's got it all ther

s the devil and he'd be much more apt to get out of her way than she out of his i

e gavel, which through the evening his hand had not relinq

seat. "I'd like to ask something about this firm of Bartlett, Cramp & Company, wh

is the letter which states that they will make this purchase for a customer, provided it can be done promptly. Mr.

e of the customer

a Mr. Black,

been buying property

stand he is thinking o

y. Not many people jump a

jump quick lest he

ttee." It was Mr. Mowry who spoke, and instantly Mr

e latter together and talked with them concerning this proposition of an issue of bonds which I knew would be

e visitors sitting, standing, or balanced in the window- seats, and then some o

accept the money, and build the schools, and if you will please take Mrs. Moon home I will be obliged. Her face has been

I understood all what Miss Cary said to-night about bonds and things, but I'd follow her in the dark, and ain't anybody such a fool as not to know what fifty thousand dollars could do for a place or a person. Of course, being just a woman-and men think women is just canary birds or dray horses-I don't have no say in things like this, but I've borned five sayers, and I'm goin' to keep my eye on 'em to see what they do when they get a chance. Yes, sir, there's to

r. Fifty thousand dollars in bonds asked for as cool as snow, and looking like a blush-rose when she did it. Fifty thousand dollars, too, handed out for a gift like 'twas an every-day thing for Yorkburg to get it. She said she had a

reading-room where books from the library up on King Street could be got without our goin' for 'em, unless we were willin' to help pay for the

lars a month to run that room, and we don't pay but twenty. Don't know wh

noy walked over to the window and measured the distance to a given spot below with his lips. "No beatin' round to keep you f

f back to Adam in this town, but if he ever give it as much as

eeks come Friday," he said, presently, "and there ain't been a one of 'em Miss Cary hasn't been to bring her s

ook the hand held out

other. "I believe it's going to be all right, and you can tell your wives their chil

the steps laughed. "The work was done before to

rybody for coming. Good-night." And in the darkness they could hear her la

as dancing that lady of full figure round and roun

racker! Mr. Benny Brickhouse orated, of course, and Mrs. McDougal was irrepressible, but without them it would have bee

r, were dumb-as I'll be dead if

rtainly funny. For weeks every member of the council has pooh-hooded me, thought my audaciousness was outrageousness, sh

p to tell you good-night, not to hear you talk. It's nearly twelve o'clock. Of course they came round! Wi

ly asked if your name was on the taxpayers' petition. It's

aucers at that. I don't want to hear another word," and with a kiss as quick as the

oming? It's nearl

ne save to do as I ple


How did Mr. Milligan know about my English gra

easons. I don't tell m

d you te

r I left you. /Are

him for. I don't like my gr

an't imagine, and more you d

mall swinging glass, and brushed her hair mechanically and with thoughts afar

?" She held it up, then put it back again. "It must hav

tester bed to say her prayers. Her face rested sideways on the open pa

will be too busy. But I'm glad it's here. In case

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