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The Ceo's Mistress

Chapter 2 What It takes To Have The Upperhand

Word Count: 1241    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

at the bottom and exposed my shoulders and a bit of my cleavage at the top. It stretched down to around three inches above my knees, thoug

approvingly while Harry

" My smile was quickly

bluntly as he moved behind Katie in

g myself in the mirror. "I'm so gorgeous," I acknowledged, sweeping my black hair behind my shoulders and stepp

her eyes. "Your jealousy is showing

usy....I've never

obvious tha

ails to make myself seem preoccupied, hoping she'd drop the conversation.

?" He butted in w

ld him with such certainty tha

ied one with a hotshot h

d to smash his head to goo with my bare hands. He's so freaking annoy

tossing the lipstick aside and turning to


together. "Since that's the case, you can go by yourself...Katie and I will go with Josh." Fr

heard him repeat under his breat

that, y

erneath the small tree. I flopped down on the bench, my heel unconsciously tapping against the ground o

was chilly, causing goosebumps to rise as the wind swept over me, bu

l knows how I feel about Layla yet he keeps on defending her and makes i

a while, pulling me from thoughts. My sc

self from seeing him but right now, I'm in dire need of his help, though I hate to admit it. Since I'm single-- which isn't something to be proud of around here---I'll need someone to be my boyfriend for th

hone out of my purse and

on the third

e hell ar

f the call then Harry's voice mixed in as h

ound the corner my ass!

s all he got to say b

ted silence... until Katie got a little too impatient. "Hey...its been

tation. "I already said

ding Harry standing on the porch. Smirking smugly, he walked forward an

on such an innocent face, "Stop being so childish, guys." She turned to me with a smile, "Come on

onestly want to go with them, but I can't. Showing up empty handed would make

t even know

was pooling with agitation. I swear if Josh

ver his face. "You

filled the air. My eyes searched

the car, patting a slightly flabbergasted Katie on the shoulder as I passed by. Like the gentleman he is, Josh opened the car door fro

ng as I stared distastefully at the big-

ped his chocolate brown hair that stopped just above his eyebrows as his blue eye

and a loud laugh left him in response. Sighing, I sat up and shifted in my se


't do anything stupid and 3. don'

netheless. "Alright, le

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