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The Ceo's Mistress

Chapter 6 Two-Faced

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 17/06/2021

a one night stand w

ask me that, and so openly at that? Does he not

his intentions were. Instincts told me that he was attempting at flirti


ly thinking'. You know, the kind of thinking where a guy stares at you for mo

do tha

all freaking day!" Harry whined, him along with everyone else staring expectantly at me. The

Nope, never." Jason's reaction to my reply was ra

-" I began to say but I was rudely cut of

ld y

k over to Jason, ey

questions, he's practically saying that I'm a hoo

hat slut of a wife he has or I'll be tempted to slap that

question...one question, Jas

nded casually. I glared at him. Why is nobody

med the glass back on the table. As a result, the blurriness in my vision

tly it was something funny. I rolled my eyes and got up on unsteady feet, making my way to the bathroom. It took me five minutes to f

one on one with her and looky her

finally study her. Her lips had grown a little plumper along with her cheeks but it wasn't enough to notice at first glance. Her eyes still

e to admit it, it was soft and beautiful...it was the very reason why I even approach

n sense is still the s

een there?" She asked softly, averting her eyes as if nervous. I scrunched

cting, Layla. I

ly thought she had really changed over the four years we've been apart, but t

know me best,

y did you mov

." Then suddenly, as if realizing that she made a mistake in her words, she covered her mouth and ch

ating seconds, afterwhich, her feet star

held my ground. I won't let what happened four years ago repeat it self. I'm not like I was back then. I'm no pushover, I've changed. And I'm proud to say

You know, I was a bit disappointed that night, because he wasn't much of a performer but seeing how things t

stonishment. Did she

indlessly lifted my hand to throw a punch at her despicable face, but before it could e

that you tried to kill me over a guy who wasn't even worth

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