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Once a Dare leads to Love

Chapter 5 |New School|

Word Count: 1608    |    Released on: 16/06/2021


of keeping my phone under my pillow while sleeping. Moving my hand

by." It was Mum,

hispered, shifti

get ready or else you'll be late." She or

en you've already created a four-person army for me. Ser

of hiring them?" I ask

ng to cut the call. Have a goo

efore cutting the c

t live without her mother. I snorted angrily a

ound my body and came out. I walked toward the mirror to dry my hair. I had black long

ered inside with a tray, balancing a curved,

Miss." She said and pla

favorite Caykur Rize Tea which I especially get from Turkey northern region Rize. I took the firs

it with white sneakers. While my hair tied up in a high tail with a strand falling o

fta, filled with cheese, pastirma, tomato, parsley and pepper, another dish containing cucumber, olives, strawberries, tomatoes, muh

ippo who could eat

f a Turk by heart because I was born in Istanbul and I spent the first six years of my life there before moving to C

iet." She informed me, breaking the chain

en to her too much." I said

say something when I

without finishing your

y very first day." I s

ged as she put a piece

urely arranged a wel

ir Xander is already here, waiting for



u'll understand the security issues. Mr. Kingston will appreciate your cooperation." Bro Xander said

ir first names, not by their last ones. I will personally make sure to keep he

kept playing candy crush on my phone, too m

rst class is English and about 15 minutes lat

some things to clear with Mr.

incipal office. A man was standing there in

rst class." He said and I starte

me were busy gossiping, laughing, making out while some were even reading b

were lockers on both sides and a long alley going to the other end.

led new school, he left me in front of a

ere fell a little silence just to stare at me and then again noises

elf in the game. Two minutes later, someone knocked on the desk. I looked up

re?" She aske

hen again started to play the game. She sa

d or said, I didn't really unde

She again asked an

ail, beautiful grey eyes, fair skin with attractive features, wearing a black floral top with

k?" She again asked, p

I stated sternly. In response, sh

valid reason

in knowing them." I said

me things beforehand. Before it get

he table, turning towards her

he could leave me alone after tell

here and knowing the Trio and Queen Bee, they will su

help." I said but looking a

do anything for revenge. I had been to many schools before and I knew h

with her grey orbs which felt quite

and help me by telling me some va

issed her and looke

o the class? Why the

back at her. She was smiling for no reason and extended her hand to

shook my h

everyone or just with friends

ude. Second, who is my friend?


en did i

w." She

ternly and glared at her. God!

pping the 'p'. "We j

't make friends, do you get it?" I said angrily but she didn't listen to me as her e

d followed her gaze only to make my

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