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BLSC #2: His Secret Admirer

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1045    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

a Co

hat's a good ide

t saying that" Jasmine burste

arts and when it

nd ended at 25

" I said and Jasmine

to do t

just bursting ideas that won'

not even gi

with her and I don't care if I said that in

hill Elmo"

as fuck" Jasmine asked Aiden.. so Ai

our ideas and decide what are we going to do tomo

rm to Aiden's , leaning her head to his shoulder

, tomorrow I have bow

1?" Aid

turned to Jasmine , she's already gi

up. I hate being here with Jasmine. I lik

first" I

going out too"

that bitch.. I walked out from the door

and I turned to hi

e idea first? I mean


ted at her house and the fact that it's goin


up" He said a

k me

and please someone slap me no

t ti

to starbucks or a cafe" How I lov

r keys and press open. My phone rin


l standing there looking at me? My heart i

a.. E

Collin?" I

orrow?" I don't know why I look

t ti


'm doing a p



ck you up at 4" Why

I ended

ements?" He asked an

don't l

you right?"

date tomorro

g.. not

mo and Clem

ocason.. shut up" I

suit each other" Of c

walked to my car

lled my eyes completely annoy when he said that me and

se I know he will recognise my handwriting. I need t

enger door opened and Aiden entered the

ou doing?"

r tomorrow" He cursed a


o" I glared when he c

t he

have no idea what girls like" My heart sudd

ying to show my c

knew that he likes her , she's

ay?" I aske

u think she wants?

e I'm smiling in hell tryin

. rings..

like I want to have a serious rela

ou don't want to have a serious relations

but I don't feel right to be with h

uffled my hair suddenly.. Aiden stop giving

okay? You don'

orrow , I'll help you pick" I sa

if you want to buy a gift for someone you like or m

like asshole.. not Col

for your he

that you like.. all you need is

ard.. I'm tired" I poin

He smiled widely like he

in this

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