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BLSC #2: His Secret Admirer

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

n Lo

her friends and your friends?" Elena asked a

n looking for something , I do the s

vorite color?"

hrugged and she lo

ike this girl?" She asked in a r


what she likes.. what else? Do you like her because you want

hat her blue eyes are be

y and I turned my eyes to

kes red.. or

nly want to bang her?" Elena ask

t know the answe

rfect curves , beautiful , sma

e attractive.. why wasting money to.. to

raising my eyebrows teasing her , she l

you?" She said wit

me on

y help" She said standing up and walked away

widely to Collin , uhmm last time I check she

ged her with a big smi

here?" Elena asked l

ned to me. He looked at me

t me with a cold eyes

iled to Elena. How can he change his expression in a s

his love for Elena is just so cr

me not to flirt with him" I

ater Collin" El

lena is just average.. not beautiful, n

a flower shop" She said as she walked back to me and gestured at a

quickly pay for it and walked out of Target. I look

y phone and

I asked as she

st go to th

u Elena?" I a

few minutes" She said and ended the call. I walke

an to the back side of the target and found her sitting on the ground with Col

ked in horror , looki

to the car first"

rily and I don't know why I bursted like th

rsted to me , I shut my mouth. He continues to b

aid , I want

na said an

ked her up in bridal style and walked first. I lo

I opened it and walked faster so I could

at him , geez how can she smile like th

o her. I felt my chest burn 2 times crazier than before. She has

t and I en

m right now?" I aske

t think I wi

t?" I bursted and she looked at me wit

e to come to you and help you? Why Collin?" I

e to help you?" I added agai

eady there when you called

id you

at my shoes were untied.. that's.. the story" She said and I looked at

ower shop and then yo

asked because she sounded th

usiness" Why di

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