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BLSC #5: Dangerous Attraction

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1061    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

mn N

er this" Joan said as

boys said

t that too , let's

said since she go

supposed to b

Just buy rando

o bad , can we stop

ack seat , Dylan Morris and Andrew sat on the 2nd row and me and Joan at the back with no seat. After we bring g

the rest what do they w

e his hand and I held his hand to get ou

ht in shining armour. He's always there for me and

u want to e

usual and animal f

all on us. We never fail to make attention everywhere we g

u guys want


ble burger"



s are settling wi

Andrew pat

l frie

t that to

and yes people are still staring. I'm use to this at

?" Aiden asked as he

first then we can

y" Dylan said and

20" I

n raised h

nk yet.. wai

e" Morris said as he pu

go bowling

and Joan looked confused. Matt looked at the guy and Joan

t you too" Joan snapped back

ky , I munched on my burger and igno

oach us. Why? because there's one incident that came to Caile

drew said looking at

, we talked about things little bit but

warned Morris not to

d I smacked his arm ha

l bruise"

en said and we all stood up and made our way out. We

ts do we need

lan an

s en

be enough

aid and I pulled out one

id , we started to walk there and guess w

oard. We need to buy vegetables and fruits and meat th

e a housewife" Morris

usewife soon of cours

ky guy?" He as

enough to have me je

acon?" Aiden

s buy a lot

e because usually our parents are the one who do this




at? After 1.5 hours turning around and aroun

arn how to co

ith Lauren"

ople , I need to at


Joan said as she picked up the ligh

the mart. We walked to the car and put all the groceries at th

ig!" Joan sa

thy and awesome Joan" He said as Joan

lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me more to him. My br

Morris whispere

said and I smacked his head

girl is beautiful" He state

rls.. so it's not weird" I state

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