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BLSC #5: Dangerous Attraction

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1049    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

mn N

he saw our plastic bags. The rest are helping u


our in

ar" Matt

el asked and that's what

we?" J

re we get into trouble" Aiden sai

n Samuel entered with Sophia. We all

we quickly put the rest o

ay?" Marco said first and Hai

're goin

're all here we can go r

d one by one slipped outside. Morris took

do something

uld we? We’re good

ckly separate into 4 cars. I got into the

klyn and Jess?

us at the bowlin

Matt to ask which bowling alley that we're he

ady?" Lauren asked

, my parents only looked at me

get mad. Good thin

.. which is weird" I turned

y and Marco got a weird feeling that you guys will buy weird

. I'll hug Mar

time since we're together like this" Morris said a

ting weird

go.. never let you go" Justin Bieber's so

go , keep you in my arm girl.." Blane s

oyfriend alr

ront of me , I want to

ick get a girlfriend will yo

ike a thi

heel" Mor

heel" Ch

dly" Chris hissed and of cours

rned to me smirking. The girls knew that

crashed a pole" Morris said and yes that's true. I'

that was ju

d and then we got out of the car. I held Morris's shoulder from

a news for th

ce we're all basicall

Oliver?" Cailey ask

when someone has her heart?" Matt


added and I looked at him weirdly. I w

put my head on

go home?"

my parent's hands tonigh

My brother said and I k

erry" Morris called Arch

r brother not me" Childish Archer , w

le. I saw Jess and Brooklyn so I immediately wen

" I hugged

iss yo

ss you" I hugg

too Autumn

t since it's been awhile. After that

ck and T

niel , Lauren , Morris , Crystal

tumn , Christian , Marco , Jess

" Brooklyn


someone from the other team and make thei


e someone to get my revenge there but I have someone on my team. I wan

nd of course.. he's b

Aiden asked

Morris said an

't do anything to you"


ns said and wow reveng


decide that later" Matt s

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