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BLSC #6: The Run Away Princess

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

ia C

on Your Majes

t , just call her Olivia" I glared

rst. Hello Olivia , I'm Matthew" T




n , nice t





nice to meet




m J



the guy and he lo

orris. I'm smart so I can remember peo

why you're running

eremy Walton. I don't like him and we're going to have a vacation together but I know

help her"

p her that easily" M

in trouble if they know about this," Christian s

my own. I went to Daniel's car earlier because it's the only way. I

ere you stay Princess" Dan

Dubai too. We can go to his house

xton will agree t

id , Matt took out his phon

re you? Your house? Can we visit your house? Yeah.. with th

go" Mar

ked out from the meeting

o help you" Lauren sa

out something making Daniel smile to her and ruffle

s , we seperate into 2 g

mad when you suddenly

etect me right now. I left my phone at the hot

I like y

y.. Everything about you really so

the royal family. I can't do anything freely and

you can't hide the fact of that

nd Brandon swiped the gol

usually that cold

ous about work and not enjoying is life a lot.

" I asked because they loo

nodded. The lift opened and we walked out. I can't help but


att said and Daniel turn

said and I can't help but

I turned to her. She smiled and I wa

got inside. I put the seatbelt on and he drove out from t

people out there looking for you" He said and I quick

o nervous with his driving skills.

re you all originally from?" I asked trying

ngs , I don't want you to

ou acting like an asshole?" I asked and I n

ck you out. We came here to have a vacation not to babysi

ion of asshole. This is what girls said about asshole

ows Dad on the screen. He pick


s d

ng in Dubai. She apparently stay in the sam

y're looking for her inside and j

0. Let's go skydiving and play buggies in the desert o

o dad"

y, tell your brother

ded the call an

d and Daniel turn

aniel" He st

re you

Let me just borrow your hat and jacket okay?" I

's no turning back now" He drove

ar" I

incess" He said

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