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Sweet Revenge Of A Nerd

Chapter 4 Betrayed

Word Count: 539    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

, she betrayed me I was shocked to see my best

....why my voi

his to me, why did

e my best friend,

uld you possibly betray my trust, why did you do this to me" I tho

ver my friend, how can I be a

wanted human, A

her ove

ur diary so w

do about tha

ck by wha


ding to be my friend

d and my chil

er from the shock, I

e? Says kahr, I noticed him


man of the top

end says giving out

towards t

d see what this nasty stupid nerd wrote about you on her

nd he shouted "she

had a crush on me, well I am ladies type every one of them w

rt, but I am not interested in you and stop having a stupid crush on me because it's can

ell I don't really hate you neither did I like you too but having a crush on me is ridiculous, it's cool if you are just day dreaming it'


hard, and some are mocking me a

hat kahr did, and I'm sure they hope h

so emb

ted me, in front of

desires is known all over the school

unning a

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