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Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch


Word Count: 1346    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

thing to


-bed. Around the corner of the shed which served as Cuba's dwelling-place, Australia and Europena made mud-p

s," announced Australia, after enough pastry ha

te cakes, like they have at

let do! Let 's take some of Asia's paint she's goin'

ted Europena; "besides, I don

r search for the paint-can. "It won't take b

shelf in the shed. Its high position enhanced its val

oldiers, like the man at th

off," said

sgust. "Do you reckon you could hol' th

t got no

its back," said Australia, sharply. Leaders of great enterpris

killed," pers

one time; then I fell in the ash-bar'l and was dead, that's two times; an'-an' then I et the stove-polish, that's four times; an' I can't 'member, but the nex' time will be seven.

y of reincarnation that she had forgotten the

chair, Europena, an' I'll

ad uttered her protest, had tried in vain to stem the current of events; nothing was left her now but to do or

the plump figure of the little

aching as high as possible, and getting h

at retribution was upon them, fled in terror. The ballast being removed from the chair, the result was inevitable. A crash, a heterogene

his eyes staggered him. Australia, screaming wildly, lay in what appeared to his excited vision to be a pool of green blood; Europena was jumping up and down beside her, calling wildly for her mothe

aren't much hurt!" he was saying

l, so after assuring herself that no bones were bro

ustry's dress. Them's the worst, 'ceptin' her plaits. Now

walk. For a moment she stood bewildered at the sight that greeted her. Redding, in his shirt sleeves, was leading Australia by the hand; the little

d at Redding for explanat

id Mrs. Wiggs, coming up; "it might 'a' put her eyes out. Pore chil

out her, began operations on Australia's hair, while Redding sat h

cut," said Lucy, ruefully, as she held

said promptly. "Whatev

ly; her sobs, suppressed for

air cut off!" she wept. "Je

ted in vain. Finally Redding drew hi

to me just a moment


want green hai

shake of

y green hair, and give the pretty curls a chance to gro

es," suggested Europen

l-buggy and dishes,

Australia suffered herself to be shorn, in

Mrs. Wiggs, admiringly, when the deed was accom

, Mrs. Wiggs,"

would be a good one to send after trouble! Oh, you ain't goin' to try an'

hed his arm. Lucy unfastened the violets at

them-to Dick?

her lips dared not utter. There are times when explanations are superfluous. Redding threw discretion to the winds, and, re

heir trap disappear in the twilig

effort to reconstruct her standard of propriety. "I 've heard of '

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