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Meilin Fan In A Foreign Land

Meilin Fan In A Foreign Land

Author: Elaami

Chapter 1 The Madam Is Awake!

Word Count: 566    |    Released on: 24/06/2021

sorry. We tried

he f**k are you

We did our very best,

of working!! You better go in t

red her dead and the death certificate

eave me and the baby just like that?! How on

o f**k

gh Zane was also an architect, Sofia's parents did not like him much because he was not of their standard. They only agreed to their marriage b


a very handsome man, who just had the most beautiful baby girl

e is really a f

they were an angel's crew. I couldn't stop drooling. And now, she's gone

's just clean her up and

! What ca

ust have to live with

ad her baby girl. There were no complications at all, during her regular check-ups but right there on the bed after she delivered her baby, Sofia just stopped breathing.


you not f**king know the reason my wife lost

or this!! You dare tell me to my face that you don't know the reason

w how the man was and they very well knew that they were all in trouble even before he was told. And just right

my world!! Oh Lord!! F**king

a?!! Why did you barg

s...I mean...umm...she.

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