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Meilin Fan In A Foreign Land

Chapter 4 I'm Meilin Fan And Not Sofia!

Word Count: 502    |    Released on: 27/06/2021

hey did not like what was happening. They felt

take me back home…! My grandfather wil

hile your baby is right here? Please co

he had not even had s*x before, not more getting married and then having a baby, she was speechless. Meilin Fan, was just a simple girl wit

been to, all her life. And right there in the hospital, her head was almost exploding. She could not find anyone to explain clearly to her what wa

have a... baby…! Please

he pains she was feeling. They all noticed her and had to make her calm down. Meanwhile, the doctor had already left the room

is happenin

them with

y you're feeling pains there. Come with me to th

poke to Meili

hat, please.. !

ut to go with Mrs Connor to the bathroom with baby steps, while moaning painfully till they got in. Meilin Fan felt a

girl? You were never this sh


m just grateful to God tha

her and right there, her eyes met the mirror and


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