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A Prostitute's Rise From Ashes

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 329    |    Released on: 02/07/2021

tes la

hing, Ling could tell that they were cultivators.

place wondered what w

the alley and then the one

16-year-old girl dressed in rags. Her hair color is red and

or girl? He really wanted to jump out of hiding and save her

ary prostitute who was given a day off. While Ling was still deciding on what to do, the two men had

ce catch this time," o

d man nodded

es covering her chest to pieces. Ling who couldn't take it

e startled

as no one present?" the 2nd man asked in confusion. He had si

not move. He stood close to them outside the barr

me instead," said Ling

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