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A Prostitute's Rise From Ashes

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 784    |    Released on: 02/07/2021


o be stupid. Get Lost

gged as he inched closer to them even breaking through the b

ld easily break through the barrier. They decided to be extra-cautio

so wicked,"

ay?" the 2nd ma

this weak girl and take

ant to sleep with

the 1st m

. I am also one too. How about we try a n

ight?" the 1st man

k at a brothel. You're always we

man launched a fireball at L

ther and launched several fireballs at

asked getting even more su

have me right here and now" Ling shamelessly said. He did

he carrier's skin and looks as if it weren't there. Only

had seen it on different parts of their bodies. Some had it

heir shaft since he had given each of them a

ad seen a member of the roya

w they're in danger. Knowing this, Ling decided to play wit

words in a strange language then at the same time, they pointed thei

ed that his clothes had disappeared but then a smile soon

pear instead? Did we use the wrong spell?"

ook, I'm all yours" Ling walked t

'll have a wonderful experience with me.

fill me," Ling whispered into the ear

and his right leg on a small drum that had been turned upside down, not forgett

" Ling complained in a small nasal voice that almost sounded female. The two men

did you cast on us?

both of them including the girl on the ground (who

e rare for a male. No wonder he dares

from doing him?" the

d man

little princess. We are in luck. We get to enjoy two

" the 1st man added bef

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