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Caged ( Survival )

Chapter 3  Love

Word Count: 1322    |    Released on: 10/07/2021


sitting on my study table, Prepari

est friend, clover said earlier, my mind keeps d

e get Kidna

we going to

yself this questio

Students being Kidnapped from their sc

can't get Kidnapped. ' I sa

ext statement c

you that we a

peated in my head

towards my Walk-in- Wardrobe and brought out my orange-colored scarf which I tied to

alm 27, which happened

e 1

hom shall I fear? , The Lord is the streng

I be afraid? '

lf is my light and sa

nswer came to me

eded to


heart shall not fear! Though war may rise

meditating o

ned to Psalm 121, my

e 1

to the hills from wh

e 2

s Israel shall neithe

r Verse caught

y about, I had nothing to fear because the one

es and closed my

wavering faith in you, enable me to trust unconditionally in you, Protect and guide me, my family and people ar


I Whispere

lled Christian song, Oceans by Hillso

me out upon

known, Where

found you in

till, my fai

call upon

eyes above

my soul will res

ours and y

started to get a little emotion

ages in the Bible where great faith

red as I stood up from my kneeling position, walked to my bathroom,

repeated this process three times in a row before I w

y but I got the feeling that something in my had changed, it felt

lessness in my Voice, I spo

n, I become as unstoppable as the Wind, An undimmable light like the sun,

inue to succeed in all ramifications, I shall not Quit! , I am a winner, I am an overco

I shall not cower in fear when oppressors come my way, I

hing you've done " I Whisp

e numb heart came alive again, I felt S

he battle ahead, I saw myself Win

, Truth shall always Win and so

nd my Mom there, she was dressed in a blue nig

ning Mom.

I questioned Suprised as it was already Ten Minutes to Twelv

are you doing dear? " Sh

o late why aren't you

and have a word or two with you bef

" I asked as I moved closer to the bed and sat bes

hat happened Mia? " Sh

chool this morning, she seemed Worried and Scar

ouldn't be afraid and Worried when news of Students lik

ht, Mom " I r

you cons

uldn't worry too much about it

fact that The one Who keeps Israe

I replied, bowing

derstand that you must have

Mom " I

d for he shall sustain you, whatever it is that is troubling you all you need to do is to

you, Mia,

Mom " I replied a

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