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Caged ( Survival )

Chapter 5  Truth

Word Count: 1611    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

rvival ) c


eriod, by the time we got there the e

a " Clover and I

Where are you coming

e School librar

n go to your

ied as we walked towa

o begin the les


o can define the term, Inflation? , An

one was raising his or

s, M

uous increase in the Price level of good

round of Applause. " She Instructed and immediat

now, Mia. " She told me

Ma. " I replie

ned as the Continuous/ Persistent increase/ rise i

es of inflation, Who ca

Declared Raising

over who was bes

" I warn

" she repli

, Sas

Caused by demand, inflation, Creeping Inflation

ver who was beside me was also laughing and as laughter was contagi

a commanded and immediatel

who was now pale

dn't get it all right,

, I Only Said what I read in the Tex

ich text

Essential Economics Textbook from unde

class The types of Inflation that were

the textbook and realized that What she Said to the class w

a? , Why did you pau

he realized that if she continued her se

Miss Lyca

p the types of Infla

Miss Lyca Cur


t, she ended up saying the wrong thing. " Clove

ed again and Clove

e, Sasha? " M

. " Sasha

will do something like this, I didn't ask you to Say out What's in th

Lyca e

what she said from the textb

words, which indicates that she Understood

asha Stutt

ones be bygones and Cont

Ma. " We

on, Cost-push inflation, Hyperinflation and,

. " Sasha Suddenly Said Attracting th

eaning of Creeping Inflation? "

erself but stopped when she reali

upting my Class, got it? "

. " Sasha

d as she faced the class an

break time went off and the Economics Teacher pack

downstairs, I suddenly Stopped at a not-so-crowded area at

Stop, Mia? " She inqu

" She asked, c

st ruminating on what ha

hy? " S

o Oppose and Make Fun of

it as she started it f

ed it first doesn't mean that yo

o anything wrong

don't have to always retaliate when people do us wrong, if we always retaliate


ns Simply means that We've got to be different between us a

wrong, I apologize. " Clove

out your Mistake, it's alright to make a mistake as long as yo

r Snacks. " I sai

Rolls and Two bottles

sha and Her Friends Suddenly Appeared fr

his time, Sash

it is, Miss, know it all

which might probably be true but do you know what I to become that? , Do you know what self-discipline means? , The Ability to Study when your Mates are Sleeping or browsing through the Net, Do you know the courage it takes to be able to Stu

ted and they immediately made

ere stunned to find o

ghtened tone, I couldn't blame her for being Frighte

r Class teacher instructed

English Teacher? , What crime did you gi


lass Rules. " I replie

le did you guys br

while the lesson was still

ia, I am Completely disappointed i


ou and Clover Will be our New class Cleaners, that will be your Punishment,


nd don't forget that your Punishment starts

d as we walked back to our Seats

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