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She Prince

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 948    |    Released on: 05/07/2021

hear out the conversation happening inside the room but all he could hear is t

leave but before he could keep a step he turns aro

s the dream girl of many men in this state. She always had many c

part away welcoming him in. Walking in he stops in his tracks whe

s looking towards his d

to escape, Wan ke turns him around before he could ke

is temple which makes Jiang Yi to fall on the ground with a loud tud. Walking forward Wan ke bends low and pul

grits his teeth moving his

heir ears which makes Wan ke to look towards the

ge he pushes Wan ke and jumps thro

the window he sees Jiang yi standing up from the ground without wasting any

g him by the right shoulder he pushes him to the

s pushing his forearm

ve kid," Jiang Yi grunts s

estionably he moves his other hand behind Jiang Y

ke to look down curiously when the folded paper opens due to the wind displaying the p

the ground. Looking at Wan ke with furrowed eyebrows J

n him as he takes a step

calls out walki

Wan ke and leaves the scene immediate

tells Xu before Jia

she chuckles standi

let me know wher

ps forward and

an ke shouts be

ground he hurries into the ho

Wan ke questions as soon

greet him. Walking towards her Wan ke takes hi

What is the other document about?,"Taking the kettle from the flame he p

e exclaims staring at he

rs,"Ms Cheng smiles " But I'm sorry I've promised

myself," grabbing the poster on the table he walks away "Make sur

eets him while he waits looking dow

home to pack up for t

shes downstairs when

her shoulders gently and he obs

nt to the second floor of the

my girl?," he grins as

me a

at meal," h

an older brother of Xu and she is like a spoilt little sister. Being as

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