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Husband, Finally you are mine.

Chapter 9 Their Nest.

Word Count: 589    |    Released on: 17/07/2021

a special name to their own apartment just instead of being called number, it was clearly written outside of their

saw a huge bunch of reporters in front of the hotel who were being

er view was ..

Lan ............ She had her hand on the 'shoulders' of chair on which Ji Jang Chang sat and was standing a

ueen of calmness, she remained calm and instead of calling Ji Jang Chang from the left side sh

the chair before getting up and walking towards her. Valentine gulped after seei

i Jang Chang asked her w

not see me and 'enjoy' the company you have here

shocked. He looked at the spot boy ne

see you ." while signaling her to sit

e image in front of others

used about re-shooting this scene" , Ye Lan call

eplied before turning to Valentine

will leave. " , Valentine replied cu

wait here" , as always Ji J

mportant, Am I not even worth you're a few minutes" , Valentine

g an important scene, everyone is waitin

should not have come and wasted your time, sorry Mr. Ji, I will leave, sorry to disturb you, I will not

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