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Word Count: 1409    |    Released on: 09/07/2021

of you why didn't you tell

some days I am here to take

p she said and went upst

the past few years since Juliana traveled because she is the only friend that she have and truly understand her. Chloe is the type of girl that select the kind o

husband mike sh

r, we divorce she said i

she is divorced she felt her pain there is no thought all men are the same an

the most painful was that he has a son and anothe

bout it you must have gone through

sion on men or to give up on love. I

well I don't give a fuck

et red we don't need this sad atmospher

Chloe scream as the

d fame yes she is a very popular on social media any guy can break up with his girlfriend just to be with ber. most times Chloe doesn't believe in true love because most of the guys coming t

hing for you. she read the messa

n the chair she checked through the windo

rs and adjust her clothes wel

her Juliana asked her co

back she said a

rew immediaty she g

Andrew said car

she replie

utiful Andrew compl

and hand it over to her." what's this beau

ing you something bea

she said

er please don't say no he just me and you alone all through the d

ked him. six Andrew repl

she said and hugged h

y guy Juliana screamed immed

she replied ro

u are very lucky my friend she said and collect the box from beauty they opened the box quickly in excitement i

irl and I hope is very good in bed also she said teasing Chloe who

om the box matching with a shoe and a paurse. the box also contain a pink teddy bear. "your guy is very

owards him and I can't say if I have any feelin

e it worked for you Juliana sai


lippers and headed to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee there she met Juliana already in the kitchen making breakfast for them. all thanks to Juliana she thought by

ed Juliana immediately

hope you dreamt about

for breakfast she asked

sauces and pasta

my room just call me when you ar

th a spoon immediately she saw Chloe face her sp

girl did you apply somethi

hing to it. what must have happened to her face sh

ent straight to the mirror what she saw scares the hell out of her. her face was looking very ugly and rough.

ned to me no no no this is not my face she w

don't injure yourself further she said holding her injur

it I can't live with this hor

not knowing that it will worsen the cry. "no don't call him Andrew can't see me like t

to stop crying and let contact all the best doctors wil

ty replied already lost her pantience she can't imagine stayi

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