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Chapter 5 Finding true love

Word Count: 1521    |    Released on: 09/07/2021

ld do was to prescribe a facial cream for her that she can apply on her face maybe probably the scares can go

res off my face and all this doctors couldn't give me any

e going to find solution to

I look how am I supposed to calm down with

tor and am sure he will fin

that door she said pointing at the entrance and noon of them was able to find any solution so how am I sure

rs he is an expert she said trying to convince

n but Juliana was able to begged him to give Chloe a sleeping medicine that will make her to rest for a wh

om so she could catch some sleep. but immediately she stand up from her sleep she staggered back and sit on t

king size bed as she s


t one thing about her is that a part of her that was looking like that of human from her head to waist which was very ugly she is

e to my sea she said

know my nam

comes to my sea and who so ever I

u Chloe man

e one that made you beautiful and I also make you

cked her....wait a second you make me this ugly because

ything changed when I fall in love with a guy who never love me trully and we have already have intimecy before I realized that and I became ugly gradually

ugly like this fore

earth a very rain in day and Idecide to I was able to bestow on you the gift of beauty with my power and now

back I can't live with th

on to get back your beauty

am ready to do it

es you and have intimecy with him your beauty we come back she said but be warned once you have intimecy with any guy from this moment wh

hat loves me trully I will get

ou, you will remain ugly forever said and swim back into the s

m she murmured but it look so real I don't need to go find any true love because I believe Andrew loves me si

door she was surprised to see her packing some of her clothes in a sma

to she asked Chloe who have finished

tion to this thing she s

anning to get the solu

nly true love I have and I believe he

s not a doctor so tell me how will he clear

l explain things to you when I get the solu

a little while she finally said as she wore a hood to help

urself she said

g anything Juliana said already missing h

man open the gate for her whil

use she put a call through him

f his gate the gate man opened

hair watching a program on his television. She use her h

good Andrew said a

she answered f

u finally decide to spe

l you like to ta

id because she didn't want Andrew to start sus

to where you will sleep h

to share one r

disapproval we can't sleep in the same room

hat how you wan

rew took her to the next r

cing a different in her attitude she is not t

ay I just ne

ed using his hands to

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