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Addicted To Him

Addicted To Him


Chapter 1 Episode 1

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 12/07/2021

im (His touch

which looks lik

, everyone kept staring at each other, th

g?" One of the staffs in the r

ght be going through an h

it, she experience heartbr

nth so keep your mouth shut and face what concerns you" a lady, gorge

ike a boss- one

ved closer to the beautiful lady s

but she doesn't respond, r

y, removing the respect from her name

d, rubbing her face and her face was swolle

to the the lady who cut

nto her ears and got up from the chair, w

sciplinary office to write down what you gossipe

, Did she

out when writing it" she scoffed and left


r know, she's a badass, doesn't care about who she talks to or

e could still hear what other's in the sam

ddle of a meeting with her staffs when she suddenly

d, dropping the file

the only friend she had had her whole l

" She tilt her head, removing her

he meeting with your crazy employees?" Ivy arched her br

igned in by you" she retorted but glanced away imm

need to take you for a check u

e stopped halfway, not sur

out whatever it's she was hiding, just

your tummy, I'm meeting up with Jack

s?" Natasha snapped,

oom, wash your face and get a good sleep, instead of poke nosing in someone's el

lationship i

walked into the bathroom, still not sure if she cou

med, realizing how her

rror, I didn't cry, why's my face like this?-

and went to the calling center

a'am, th

bye" she ended the call abruptly, felt l

st call to

ook but when the light on the phone screen wen

lady called, seeing someo

He snapped at her, stopp

ou think I'll call you if I

need some cash or you want me to fu*k you" he smirks, moving

evor?" She quizzed rhetorically

tiny neck and swap it to th

ini beast like you!" She snorts at him and tri

h her sentence when a s

t they were into a slapping competition,

s crazy?" Ivy half yelled,

?, I was only trying to get close and

one, why drag Natasha into it?" She scowl

here?" Ivy turned to Trevor who seems to be hold

that says I can't come in here

might make it because of p

k more beautiful than I thought"

ng patiently for him to touch his cheeks so s

he crouched down to the floor, his right

t in shock at her frie

up losing the case at the end, Ivy let's go" she said

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